In recent days, the political confrontation between the government and the opposition has significantly intensified. At the end of December, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, made a decision to dismiss the presidents of public media and then liquidate the companies. PiS politicians responded with protests at the headquarters of TVP and the Polish Press Agency and parliamentary inspections.

and on Tuesday The police arrested him Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński, PiS deputies and former heads of the CBA. This only aggravated the already tense situation. Law and Justice considers the decision to terminate their mandate and imprison Kaminski and Wasik to be illegal, making both politicians “political prisoners”. The government considers that both MPs are criminals convicted by a legally binding court verdict. We remind you that the MPs were sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment.

A threat to Poland

Michal Kobosko of Poland 2050 warns that the increasing polarization of society and the conflict between the government and the opposition are reducing the country's security.

– I agree that this situation, this clinic, is an inappropriate situation, dangerous and dangerous for the Polish state, because we are facing real external threats, the war is going on, – said the MP on RMF FM.

Kobosko noted that there is still a war going on beyond Poland's eastern border. Russia is slowly gaining a better position on the front.

– Ukrainians are not winning in this war. There is a potential threat to Poland, to the whole of Central Europe, and in such a situation, weakening the Polish state, causing conflict, raising the temperature level and internal emotions in Poland is weakening our capabilities, including the ability to defend ourselves. If such a situation has been created for the country, he said.

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Kobosko: There will be a big law on public media, we have started negotiations
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