What do you think about the idea of ​​a demonstration announced by Prime Minister Donald Tusk for Saturday in Gdańsk on the anniversary of Pawel Adamowicz's murder??

Janusz Kowalski: I don't think Polish politics has heard of greater hypocrisy in the last few dozen hours. We all remember Pavel Adamović, the politician and mayor of the city, as a man who had many question marks about his past. There were questions about the transparent management of the city and public property. In his case, there were many question marks about his fate. The civil platform itself repeatedly asked late 5.5 years ago. President Adamovic on these issues. Years after the murder, Poe doesn't want to remember what he said about Adamowitz. Today, however, he wants to build a myth about his murder, and this is done by people who previously wanted to make him responsible and disappear from politics. This shows what kind of person Donald Tusk is. In my opinion, he is a corrupt politician who twists the meaning of words. He calls good evil, for him farce is something natural, he calls dishonesty honesty, he calls illegality the rule of law, only restraint of social emotions. In this way, it shows what is in the DNA of a civic platform. Mr. Marek Belka said about it. They lie, lie, and lie again, building social emotions in the process. That's why I think the idea of ​​manifestation is dishonest, based on a lie, where you want to control some of your emotions.

There was an opinion that the new government was showing its weakness by bringing people to the streets three months after the elections. Do you agree with this?

Donald Tusk is powerless. His power is running out faster than anyone could have imagined. They have caused as much mischief and confusion in Poland in one month as no other government has ever done before. They are destroying the country from within. We have disputes with judges, the judicial system, the Polish Sejm, non-compliance with the prerogative of the Act of Grace and judicial decisions, and on the other hand, there is confusion in the societal dimension. Bringing people to the streets where Pawel Adamowicz is supposed to be the nominee is troubling the minds of Poles.

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