09/01/2024, 06:10

Krzysztof Ziemiec still works at RMF FM, where he hosts his own program (Photo by Pawel Wodzinski / East News)

Krzysztof Ziemiets and Rafal Patira were not among the presenters of the new version of Polish television Teleexpress. Both emphasize that the TV company has no information regarding their continued stay at the station. – No one has talked to us – they say to “Preservice”. Although there are many indications that TV Polska no longer wants them, there is no official decision.

Rafal Patira explained to “Presserwis”: – Nobody officially said that we were not needed and we were fired. However, we conclude that we are not needed from the fact that our passports and official mail are blocked. Nobody talks to us – like the hosts – says Patira.

Patira has not received any orders

He adds that he still had time to sign a contract to run the program for another term (as a service provider), but – in his opinion – this contract has probably not come into force. It was signed by the end of the previous year.

Rafal Patira also stopped appearing on TVP Sport, where among others it was about football. – As for the sports editorial team, at the end of November I only received information that my contract, which was valid until the end of the year, will not be extended. It was clear to me. We also agreed to move to an honorarium, which means we do specific work for the editor and get paid, he says.

However, he has not yet received any order from the sports editor. Before the change of government in TVP, he defended the previous arrangement in the public media. On TVP Info, he said, among other things, that “free media is the basis of democracy.” And he added: “I am convinced that Polish television is a medium that speaks to its viewers with an open text, with a text that is true.”

Ziemiek: “No one talked to me”

Like Patira, Krzysztof Ziemiec also stopped appearing on Polish television. – I have no information from TVP, neither about the possible launch of the programs, nor about the possible release. No one spoke to me – Ziemiek tells Preservice.

Besides “Teleexpress”, he also hosted “Studio Zachód” on TVP Info, “Między Translation” on TVP Info, “White Balance” on TVP 1 and “Kwadrans Polity” on TVP 1. In the past, he was a presenter. “Wiadomości”, but in 2019 he moved from there to the editorial office of “Teleexpress”. In September 2022, he presided over the presentation of a report on the losses suffered by Poland at the hands of Germany during the Second World War. The report was prepared by law and justice politicians.

The journalist still works at RMF FM, where he hosts the program “Gość Krzysztof Ziemiec”.

Before the change, we could not contact Beata Chmielowska-Olech, also the anchor of “Teleexpress”.

Currently, the host of “Teleexpress” is, among others, Maciej Orłości, who returned to TVP after a 7.5-year break.

(ME, 09/01/2024)

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