In an interview with CNN, Kuleba appreciates that The West will continue to help him, – We don't have “Plan B”, we rely on “Plan A”. Ukraine always fights with the means it has. As the Secretary General rightly said, what is given to Ukraine is not charity. This is an investment in NATO's defense, said the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The politician also emphasized that if Vladimir Putin wins in Ukraine, he will not hesitate to attack NATO countries in the future.

– Those who, based on their foreign policy calculations, believe that Putin will not dare to attack a NATO country… are making a huge mistake and should change their jobs, he said.

Kuleba also said that the combined forces of Ukraine and the West are greater than those that defeated the USSR. – The combined GDP of Ukraine and its current allies is 21 times that of Russia and its very few allies. This means that there are sufficient funds to provide the necessary assistance to Ukraine. The West just needs to start believing in itself and its ability to win, Kuleba said.

American aid to Ukraine

On December 27, the USA announced its move to Ukraine The last aid package military in 2023. The total volume of the new support package was 250 million USD.

It included anti-aircraft missiles, other elements of air defense systems, additional ammunition for high-mobility missile and artillery systems, 155 and 105 mm artillery ammunition, anti-tank ammunition and more than 15 million cartridges.

On December 12, during the visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the USA, the American leader Joe Biden announced the allocation of 200 million dollars in additional aid.

The US president then called on Congress to stand with Ukraine and protect its freedom, while also stressing that Putin is planning missile attacks on Ukraine's power grid this winter to plunge Ukrainian families into “darkness during the coldest time of the year. The damage is enormous.”

The Pentagon later said the package contained additional anti-aircraft equipment, artillery ammunition and anti-tank weapons.

Also read:
Putin is willing to negotiate. ISW warns against the words of the Russian president

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