“New Year with two” is behind us. Over the years this event (called “New Year's Eve”) has been a big hit, although this year's edition in Zakopane was not as successful as the previous one.

“For the first time in eight years, TV Polska lost the New Year competition. I expected it, so I applied (and succeeded!) to change my favorite title to Sylwester Marzeń. Lt. Col. Sienkiewicz's usurpers TVP is making progress, I think this is part of the plan of the new government: to deprive the Poles of their television, which In recent years, as a means of mass communication and collective emotions – popular culture and identity formats – created strength and mobilized national society, but in this case the truth is unfortunately more complicated…” – writes Joanna Kurska on Instagram.

He notes that “Television is like an ocean liner. Big antennas change course slowly and sink slowly.” It is interesting that the wife of the former president of TVP, Jacek Kurski, also blames the current state of the TV company on the government removed by the government of Donald Tusk. “TVP's power killing started more than a year ago when the new president started to fight (I think for the ambition to be different from his predecessor) with what was the driving force of TVP. He abandoned high-quality entertainment, sports. Shows and live events that create positive, collective emotions. He got rid of people who knew how to show great television,” Kurska claims, referring to the actions of Mateusz Matiskovic.

Kurska will list the errors

“If the UEFA Champions League final is watched by less than 1.3 million instead of 5 million as usual, the France Football Ballon d'Or gala will be Rs. Starring Lewandowski will move from TVP1, where it had 4 million viewers, to TVP Sport, where it was. It is watched by 0.32 million; Instead of the previous 3 million viewers, Roztańczony Narodowy has 1.1 million viewers, and Dwójka's Summer Tour on 2.5 million TVP2 ends with less than half a million results on TVP3 (and there are dozens of such examples, also in identification formats) – it is Exactly killing the audience. And it has dire consequences in the form of a loss of message reach and an impact on television's ability to mobilize viewers. And this mobilization was missing, for example, in October…” – says Joana Kurska about the parliamentary elections.

He also claims that New Year's Eve in Zakopane “also died in installments”. As he recalls, a year ago “when TVP mocked the conservative sensibilities of viewers by the then president's decision, there was a decline and the viewership was the worst since 2016.” “Sylvester's defeat this year with Dvoica is only a symbolic addition to the process of weakening TVP, which has been going on for more than a year. Its spectacular finale took place on December 20 in Voronitsa, where a kind of act of surrender was prepared. The protocol on the transfer of TVP to the illegal “Supervisory Board” and “Management Board” . The then authorities of TVP from the proxy representative of the governing board, for this purpose they secretly sent the ambassadors of Lt. Col. Sienkiewicz to the underground parking lot. That they would not be seen by the deputies of Law and Justice, who were guarding the TVP building, and ordered them to destroy the TVP Info signal. Signing the Act of Fall Interrupted at the last moment by a break into the office of the TV company President on the 10th floor of vigilant PiS MPs, who deserve the highest praise for this, as well as the politicians who take turns at the TAI headquarters to confirm the lack of consent. Illegal attack on television” – analyzes the former head of the program office of TVP.

“The president, who was caught giving up the TV without a fight, was shamefully released. The flow of viewers and trust could not be stopped. TVP is sinking like an ocean liner,” Jacek Kurski's wife summarizes her argument.

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Host of “Hala Odlotów”: today I am sure that the media does not belong to politicians

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