After an eight-year hiatus, Bartosz Gellner sat down on the couch again for the show “Pytanie na svečet”. The actor did not refrain from an ironic comment, pointing to Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Katajina Cichopek and Maciej Kurzajewski tried to relieve the tension with laughter.

“Question for Breakfast”. Gellner addressed Tusk, and the presenters were stunned

This Sunday, January 7, at 20:20, the first episode of the new historical series will be shown on TVP1. “Bay of Spies”. This series takes viewers to Gdynia and Gdańsk in 1940 and the main character is a young officer Abwer who becomes an Allied spy.

During the Sunday edition (January 7) of the program “Pytanie na prášte”, which he hosted Katajina Chichopek and Macieh Kurzaevsky, hosted the cast of this particular TVP production. Anna Lewandowska, the host of the series about stars, was sitting on the sofa with the hosts and guests.

Bartosz GellnerFrom the beginning of the conversation in the studio of the breakfast show, he attracted attention. He looked around. Upon introduction, he commented that he was last on TVP a long time ago. He suggested that this was before PiS came to power.

– Today I am so excited, not to mention excited, that I am here at Pitaniye Na Breakfast, which is an amazing experience. especially After eight years of my absence here. And I came as A spy and a German at thatWhich is the worst and still from Tricity – he said.

– But of Polish origin – Cichopek intervened. – Good thing my name isn't Donald but Franz – added the actor, referring to Prime Minister Tusk.

The presenters were silent on this comment and tried to control their facial expressions. Lewandowska noticed that Gellner was extremely excited when talking about the new production. – I stayed in Germany and started washing with German chemicals – he joked.

Same-sex couples appeared in TVP's “Pytanie na svetka”. “miracles”

The day before, on January 6, viewers of the program “Question for Breakfast” They witnessed unusual scenes, namely discussions about civil partnership. For the past eight years, representatives of the LGBT+ community have not been welcome on TVP. The publication was also led by Chichopek and Kurzaevsky.

Two long-time couples came out into the breakfast room. We are talking about several influencers and celebrities known from “Top Model”. Karolina Brzuszczynska and Agnieszka Skrzeczkowskaand also O Jakub Kwiczynski and David Micekwho have been married for 6 years.

– First of all, we want to emphasize the joy with which we came here to you. This flag has been removed here a lot in the last 8 years, I'm not talking about you and I'm so glad that we happen to be here in the studio with you. So we wanted to wave that rainbow flag a little bit and announce that On January 6, homophobia ended with the “Pitanie breakfast”. And we are very happy about it! – announced the guest.

Also read: “Pytanie na Śniadanie” has a new boss. Before that, he worked for TVP for years

He did not miss the Saturday edition of TVP's breakfast show Karolina Corwin-Piotrowska. The journalist admitted that he was surprised by the changes. “Meanwhile Miracles “Reading for Breakfast”. Existing viewers should be shocked. But that's how the world looks,” he wrote on Instagram.

He also spoke online Mariusz ShchigieliJournalist, reporter and writer. “The same editors who didn't invite LGBT people to this program are now inviting them. This neither surprises me nor raises morale. The gentlemen wrote on their profile that homophobia is over at TVP. Institutional – maybe. But does it apply? They are employees ? Maybe there were and are homophobes, or maybe they never were and are not? We do not know. Their conscience knows this,” he emphasized on Instagram.

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