31/12/2023, 07:52

Polish radio regional stations are in liquidation (photo: press materials)

On Friday evening, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, announced the liquidation of 17 regional companies of Polish radio stations. This decision paves the way for the change of presidents of regional radio stations.

“Today I decided to liquidate 17 regional companies of Polish radio stations as a continuation of the previous process,” said Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, the head of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, on Friday evening on Portal X. of his ministry.

The decision of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage concerns radio stations included in Audience 17, a radio agreement established in 2001 that coordinates the activities of regional and local Polish radio stations. It is a company whose shareholders are 17 Polish regional radio stations: Radio Bialystok, Radio Pomerania and Kujaw (Bydgoszcz), Radio Gdańsk, Radio Katowice, Radio Kielce, Radio Kozalin, Radio Krakow, Radio Lublin, Radio Łódź, Radio Olsztyn, Radio Opole . , Radio Poznań, Radio Rzeszów, Radio Szczecin, Radio dla Młodych (Warsaw), Radio Wrocław, Radio Zachód (Zielona Góra).

Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, as the State Treasury's property rights enforcement body, said on Wednesday that in connection with the President's decision to suspend the funding of public media The companies Telewizja Polska, Polskie Radio and Polska Agencja Prasowa were put into liquidation. The liquidation status can be canceled by the owner at any time, according to the statement of the Ministry of Culture.

Companies in liquidation are managed by liquidators appointed by the Minister of Culture. The liquidation of the companies does not mean the expiration of the employment contract of the employees there, but the level of protection of these employees decreases..

The decisions of the Minister of Culture do not yet apply to Polish Radio's regional stations, which are separate companies.

(MAK, 31/12/2023)

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