After the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, terminated the mandate of convicted Pi MPs Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic, both politicians appealed to the Supreme Court, and the Chamber of Emergency Control and Public Affairs overturned the marshal's decision, first for Vesic and then for Vesic. against Kaminsky.

The former heads of CBA remained December He was sentenced by the final judgment Two years imprisonment for the act e. land scandal, even though President Andrzej Duda used the amnesty law against them in 2015.

The case of Kaminski and Vesik. “The law of grace is decisive”

Pawel Lisicki, editor-in-chief of Do Rzeczy, said on Polsat News that Holovnia's decision to cancel the mandates of PiS deputies was a mistake.

– The main thing is how we understand the power of pardon granted by the president, – he emphasized. – I believe that logic itself indicates that the power of pardon allows the president to use it at any time during the proceedings. Otherwise grace will not be grace, he added.

Therefore, in his opinion, “another trial should not be started and is illegal in principle, which means that Vasik and Kaminsky are still deputies.”

– If we want to get out of this mess, the only indisputable case in this matter is the administration of the president. We should pass the amnesty law and end it there, said Lisicki.

He also remembered The Hanna-Gronkiewicz-Waltz entry is critical of Holoonia's actionswho can hardly be accused of sympathizing with PiS.

Lisitsky: if the Tusk government continues to act “hastily”, instead of reconciliation, we will have a war in the streets

According to him, it is not in the interests of Poland to continue the case of Kaminski and Vesik.

– We create a situation when power decides. This is the worst from the point of view of the state's interests, – emphasized the editor-in-chief of “Do Rzech”. The situation in the public media and how the new government took them over.

He also expressed his fear that if Donald Tusk's government continues to act “hastily”, then “instead of reconciliation, we will have a war in the streets”.

Also read:
Trudowski: Poland is facing a hellish crisis. Results are difficult to predict

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