Prof. Wojciech Sadurski proves it PiS has destroyed democracy in such a way that it cannot be reconstructed by “ordinary legal steps”.. “After the return of democracy, it is impossible to restore the broken political systems by ordinary legal steps, because it means restoring democracy on the terms dictated by the fallen regime,” the Warsaw University lecturer wrote in a text published in the newspaper. Wyborcza website.

Sadurski wants sharp and unequivocal decisions, even if they are legally dubious: “If we don't fire Ms. Przylebska's entire tribunal, we will sabotage all efforts to restore the rule of law in the courts, the media or the prosecutor's office, even. If the transfer of this poor body to Gremio offends the fair people. “Without the removal of judicial members from the Neo-National Council of the Judiciary, this despicable body will continue to illegally supply the President with neo-judicial nominees, etc. . etc.”

According to him, following the regulations is equivalent to “doing nothing”, especially in the context of TVP. “The alternative is to sleep in the world of fiction and narcissistically revel in one's own virtue, interrupted by venting indignation at the ugliness of the real world. Learned lawyers can afford it, politicians can't,” concludes Wojciech Sadurski.

Sadursky “recommends”. Lisicki and Ziemkiewicz comment

In the last episode of “Polska Do Rzeczy” program, Pawel Lisicki and Rafal Ziemkiewicz comment on Prof. Sadursky. – There are journalistic and political curiosities, in particular, the reflection of the professors of the platform camp, which is now called democratic. I admit that some of them are very tasty. Prof. caught my eye. Sadursky. During the French Revolution, it was a club of angry people, and it fits perfectly – says the editor-in-chief of “Do Rzech”.

– It's a good association, because I don't have a high opinion of his competence. I looked at the Internet, turned to lawyers and in general prof. Sadursky writes nonsense. This is an example of turning a person who has no achievements into an authority – mocked Rafal Ziemkevich.

Trailer of episode 257 “Polska Do Rzeczy” show. Everything is available to subscribers.

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