– The court was not lucky. I retain my mandate – he said on radio Wnet Former Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Maciej Wąsik. He added that he has no criminal record.

– The decision of the court in my case is clear, as noted by the Supreme Court – noted Vesik. This was stated by a PiS politician Marshal Shimon Holloway “wrongly tried to extinguish the mandate”.

– was delighted with himself, He is a horrible narcissist. Holovnia is in a hurryIn order for the mandate to expire properly, he should wait to be entered into the national criminal registry, emphasized Vasik. – Bodnar gave him some paper and acted on that basis – he said.

– Holonia probably knows the law, because he is the speaker of the Sejm, he knows what the Act on the Supreme Court looks like – said Vesik. He added that the issue of his mandate should be referred to the Extraordinary Control Chamber.

– And Marshal Holonia sent his man to the president of the Chamber of Labor, gave him a paper on coffee and wanted to do it his own way – Vesik said. – There will come a time when Marshall Hollownia breaks a sweat and answered questions before the committee, he added.

Wąsik: The decision of the Extraordinary Control Chamber of the Supreme Court revealed the nature of the ruling camp

The former deputy head of internal affairs and administration said that the judicial system is politicized by the activities of the current government. – Bodnar moves like an elephant in a Chinese shop. He is not suitable for the position of Minister of Justice – added.

– Thursday's decision of the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court revealed the nature of the entire power camp, which acts against the law, – said Vesik.

This was stated by a PiS politician He and Mariusz Kaminski were convicted in 2015 by an “anti-PiS fanatic”. – We fought corruption in the government of law and justice – he said.

look: Marek Savicki on “Debate of the Day”: I'd use the Marshall Guard against Kaminski and Vesik

– The people who committed these actions have not yet been convicted, but we are. What signal does this send to people who want to fight corruption? – Macie Vesik asked.

According to the politician, he and his boss were charged for the first time 17 years ago Because Donald Tusk wanted it. – He wanted to have an excuse to remove Kaminsky from the position of head of CBA. Half a year later, I was charged, Vesik said.

– I sleep well. I have a clear conscience – summed up the PiS politician.

The case of Kaminski and Vesik. The President supports the pardon decision

December 20, 2023 Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik They were sentenced to two years of rigorous imprisonment. A day later, the speaker of the Sejm, Shimon Holonia, decided to terminate their mandate. Despite this, Kaminski and Vesik appeared in the plenary hall, and the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs called the so-called Kozakiewicz's gesture.

Politicians maintain their innocence. The president also shares their positionwho in 2015, before the final verdict, pardoned Kaminski and Vesik.

look: The case of M. Kamiński and M. Wąsik. The President's statement was recalled

On December 20, Andrzej Duda met with politicians at the presidential palace and – based on the decision of the Constitutional Tribunal – confirmed the decision made eight years ago.

The verdict refers to a case where politicians They were still the heads of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau And they answered, among others: the so-called land scandal for inciting corruption and falsifying documents and other crimes.

sgo / Polsatnews.pl

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