Maciej Wąsik also joined the hunger strike – this message was spread by the politician's wife. It follows that both convicted politicians decided to go on a hunger strike against the sentences handed down in connection with the corruption scandal. – These are games in which the audience decides life or death – Maciej Wąsik's wife responded to the whole situation.

– It's like rearranging your life, I didn't expect that at all – he responded Roma Vesikin the case of her husband's arrest. – I did not believe that they would come, but they did. (…) I said that my husband was gone and I won't let you home, he told me about the meeting with the police, he broadcasted on Republic TV.

These are the games where the audience decides life or death – he noted.

Convicted politicians' wives about their husbands. “It was part of a bigger game.”

Mariusz Kaminski's wife, who was in the studio, agreed with his words. – Our husbands have been repeatedly exposed to public punishmentWe assumed that different situations could arise – said Barbara Kaminska. According to her, her husband prepared her for different scenarios.

look: Kaminski and Vesik are in custody. Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration: The transition procedure is underway

– We had no doubt about that An unfavorable judgment will be enteredThose who want to remove our husbands from political life, It was an element of a larger game, staged by people associated with the “December 13 Coalition.” – she said.

Maciej Wąsik joined the protest. He started a hunger strike

Against the verdict, on Wednesday Mariusz Kaminski announced that he was starting a hunger strike in prison. Maciej Wąsik's wife said on Republika TV that her husband also joined the strike.

look: Mandate of Mariusz Kaminski. The decision was published in Monitor Polski

– We saw our husbands today. When my husband was also starving, it was very difficult for our sons. He said they had to do it, and it was exactly as it should be, he said.

Arrest of Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesik. Politicians were arrested

Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik – former heads of CBA and members of PiS – remained Police arrested him on Tuesday evening. Politicians have been in the presidential palace since morning, where they took part in the ceremony of appointing new advisers to the head of state at the invitation of Andrzej Duda.

Politicians were transferred to the district police department in St. Grenadiers in Warsaw. Then they were transferred Pre-trial detention of Warsaw-Grokhov.

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