The shared project proposes the transfer of supervisory authority NCBiR From the minister responsible for regional development will return to the minister of science and the creation of the capacity of the center of companies, or the taking and acquisition of shares dependent on obtaining the prior approval of the minister.

Changes in NCBiR

“Actually The minister will be able to intervene authoritatively in the activities of the person under supervision, That will allow the Center to effectively and efficiently carry out tasks in the field of state scientific policy, such as managing strategic research and development programs, stimulating entrepreneurs to invest in scientific activities, or promoting the commercialization of scientific research or development results, and other forms. Transferring them to the economy,” was written in the justification of the changes.

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See also: PiS announces the collection. “We will support families whose fathers were arrested”

At the end of last year, the new Minister of Science announced changes.

– There should be a full audit at the National Center for Research and Development. I think we can expect the results in January. A procedure should also be carried out for NCBiR to be included in the structure of the Ministry of Science. We want it to happen quickly, said Minister of Science Dariusz Wiechorek in an interview given to “Rzeczpospolita” at the end of December.

There are notifications from the Supreme Audit Office to the Prosecutor's Office regarding NCBiR

We remind you that after the inspection at the National Center for Research and Development (NCBiR), in November, the Supreme Audit Office prepared a report on the suspicion of committing a crime.

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