Markin KatzkiJournalist, reporter and author of books described in “Gazeta Wyborcza”, including: his inappropriate behavior towards women, including attempted rape.

After the publication, “Newsweek” journalist Karolina Rogaska spoke. He posted on Facebook that he was One of Kaki's victims.

A few hours later, the Polish School of Reporting released a statement saying that Kecki had been fired from working with students.

Roman Imielski, the deputy editor-in-chief of “GW”, also issued a brief statement, where he explained that the matter is being taken “very seriously” and will be “explained” in the newspaper.

Markin Ketsky was released after a sex scandal. New statement of “Gazeta Wyborcza” management.

On Sunday, the editorial office of “Wyborcza” issued another statement announcing the suspension of Ketsky and his dismissal along with the rest of the editors.

The editors of “Gazeta Wyborcza” have always condemned and condemned offensive sexual behavior – and we similarly condemn Markin Katzki's behavior years ago. However, we appreciated his recognition, which we found to be sincere,” explains Deputy Editor-in-Chief Roman Imielski, Aleksandra Sobchak, and Bartosz T. Wielinski.

They claim that Kacki did not inform anyone about this when he transferred the finished text, which – as the management of “GW” emphasizes – “abused the trust of us and our readers”. “As a result, the editors published his 'confession' without knowing that it may have a deeper meaning – a preemptive vindication of his own crimes,” the statement reads.

According to the newspaper's management, none of Kącki's chief editors or superiors received complaints about his inappropriate behavior towards women while working at Gazeta Wyborcza.

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“Did the mainstream moralists tolerate pathology? “Vibortsa” and its journalist under fire

(tags translated)Marcin Kącki

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