CMarek Chizy's daughter has been working on Polish television for several years As a reporter at TVP3 Katowice. At first, he dealt with socio-cultural issues, and later he also produced journalistic programs. Sometimes it even appeared on TVP Info. The daughter of the current host of “19:30” hosted, among others, “Nowadays Silesia”. He also covered the World Men's Handball Championship and was awarded in the “SILESI PRESS” journalism competition.

Internet users noticed that the name of Zuzana Chizhi appeared a few days ago in one of the materials of TVP's main news program – 19.30. The material was announced by Marek Czyż. The report was about the Chorzov Astronomical Observatory. “Old” TVP journalist Monika Borkowska reports that “old” TVP journalists were fired “to make room for their families”.

Does he comment on the situation?

The journalist himself commented on this issue in an interview with the portal Wirtualna Polska. – In recent years, the right-wing media did not bother about my son's materials on TVP, but now they do. Pretty typical, Chizh said.

The journalist adds that the said program was not his daughter's original material. Its sole purpose was to prepare “raw materials”, which the Warsaw editors positively evaluated and considered interesting enough for the main issue of the most important public media daily.

– was developed and finally prepared by a journalist of the Warsaw editorial office and signed by him. But he decided that my daughter's name should also be written as an important co-author – he added.

on TVP in the era of PiS

Will he add that his daughter is a full-fledged TVP journalist, A It appeared in the public media a few years ago, during the PiS government.

– He has never embarrassed himself with any propaganda material praising the government or mocking any person or social group in the style common on TVP. He is a person whose competences and skills are appreciated by people who write materials for him and evaluate their value – he assures us.

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What about the objectivity of TVP? This is how he responded to Duda's speech
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Taking TVP. Poles were asked about Sienkiewicz's methods

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