Marianne Schreiber just won her debut fight at Clout MMA. He is still very active on social media where he shares his thoughts and various endeavors with his followers. On January 11, the wife of Law and Justice MP Lukash Schreiber posted a photo from the “March of Free Poles” on Instagram. He posed with a hat decorated with the Polish flag. He also added a battle record.

“March of Free Poles”is initiated law and justice, started promptly at 16:00. The originally planned route of the march was to go from the Sejm building to Powstańców Warszawy Square, where the headquarters of the TV News Agency is located.

However, this plan changed as PiS leaders decided to move the demonstration to the Prime Minister's office. At the climax, he spoke Yaroslav Kaczynski. – There are many of us, but if we count on a beautiful spring day, we will be three times more – he said.

– This concerns Poland. We say that we are talking about free media, violation of the rule of law, the constitution, trampling of the law. All this is true. They finally want to destroy the office of the president, the PiS president said.

– First of all, we should find out what this is for, is it just a desire to return to power? This situation already existed during their rule, Kaczynski added.

This event was covered quite a lot in the social network. Dominika Chorosinska He published a video from the actionwhere Dabrovsky's mazurka is heard.

“Poland is not dead yet,” he wrote. He also added a photo with the caption: “Democracy dies in darkness – let's not let it happen.”

Marianne Schreiber added a video of the fight and a recognizable photo

He also came to the rally Marianne Schreiber. He posted a video on the X platform in which several men have sex fight. In the commentary of the film, the wife of a PiS politician wrote: “Are these the first provocateurs?”

However, at the moment, no additional information is available about the identity of these people and the reasons for their confrontation.

Then her photo appeared on her Instagram profile. “I pray for my beloved homeland. Motherland for which I would sacrifice my life” – this is the description he attached to the frame in which we see him wearing a white and red cap like an eagle.

There were many comments under the post of the wife of Lukash Schreiber, MP for Law and Justice. Not all of them were pleasant.

What does giving one's life for the country have to do with marching to protect criminals?“; “Please don't be ashamed”; “Courage is not to give life for the motherland, bravery and heroism is to live so that the war does not lead us”; “All the firemen from my village were ordered to march. ! They had to take leave and go to Warsaw at their own expense. Otherwise, you will be thrown off guard. This is Poland according to PiS. Did your husband tell you about it?“- they responded.

Also read: Marianne Schreiber “teaches her husband to protect himself”. In case of “fight in the park”.

Mariana also added an entry on InstaStory. He made it clear that haters only have power behind their smartphone screen.

“Now, if they see me anywhere, they have full armor, not a single brave man on the Internet will come to me and say a word to my face. Marian girls are afraid. It's kind of sweet,” she wrote.

Perhaps this is a reference to the fact that Schreiber has been around for a while He took martial arts. On December 29, Mariana succeeded Victory in his first Clout MMA fight. After a fierce three-round fight, the judges unanimously awarded Monika “Best Polish Journalist” the victory over Laskowska.

Despite receiving a negative score from the referee for hitting the net, the activist managed to triumph. After the fight, Schreiber couldn't hide his emotions and burst into tears of joy.

“Protest of free Poles”. How many participants were there exactly in the capital?

It took place on Thursday, January 11 “Protest of Free Poles” organized by law and justice, which attracted crowds of people to Warsaw. The first ones started appearing already during the rally Estimates of the number of participants.

from the stage itself Rafal Bochenek announced that up to 300,000 people had come to the capital, which was later captured Anna ZalevskaSpreads information on social networks.

“Yes, yes! 300,000 Poles,” he wrote on the X platform. Beata Kempa He also did not doubt the number of participants.

“We are 300,000. Freedom of speech! Down with communism! Free political prisoners,” he posted on the X platform.

However, attendance data is also collected by the local authorities of the cities where such events are held. The spokeswoman of the Warsaw City Hall, Monika Beut, said in an interview with Onet that about 400 buses arrived in the city. According to officials The number of participants of the meeting was about 35,000 people.

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