President Andrzej Duda has announced that he is starting a “pardon process” against Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic. On this topic, Bogdan Rimanovski talks to PiS club leader Mariusz Blaszczak on Thursday's edition of the “Gość Wydarzen” program.

– Messrs. Kaminski and Wąsik were convicted for deciding to fight corruption among the elite – said PiS club head Mariusz Blaszczak.

– They were in such a hurry to capture Kaminski and Vesik. Now they are not in a hurry, Blaszczak said about the pardon procedure. – Will they be late? This means that Adam Bodnar denies his biography – added the former minister.

– The Supreme Court was built according to the law. Judges are appointed by the president. They don't like it and that's it. They violate the law, the constitution, they believe that they are untouchable. Justice should be on their side, Blaszczak said.

Bogdan Rimanovski asked the former minister about the comments of the ruling coalition politicians on Andrzej Duda's move. – The president made a different decision at the request of the wives and families of both men – said the head of the PiS club.

According to Mariusz Blaszczak, Kaminski and Vesik are still MPs. However, the Marshal of the Seimas stated that the President's decision does not change anything. – Marshall Hollownia is fighting. Maybe they will come to their senses, said the former minister.

– We support both men. Putting them in jail was brutal, said the head of the PiS club.

The second guest of Bogdan Rimanovski will be the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration Wislav Szczepanski.

Broadcasts on Polsat, Polsat News, Wydarzenia24 and and Interia. 19:20.

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