He organized a question-and-answer session on his Instagram, during which fans could ask him anything. One of the users of the platform asked about the actress' approach to motherhood, and more specifically to abortion and abortion. “So miscarriage is trauma and abortion is a super liberating procedure?” – he asked based on the previous statements of the actor. Zborovska did not bite her tongue. – Exactly, Cymbalika, – answered the star. “And seriously, I wonder how stupid you'd have to be to not want to know what all of this is. Massacre. My hands dropped. liberating treatment. Well, it's simple, he answered. At the end of the Q&A, the celebrity responded to the taunts of a netizen who wanted to know “why Zborovska doesn't like PiS” (and she doesn't like it very much). “And on that upbeat note, I'm going to sleep because if I get high, I won't sleep,” he concluded. Massacre.

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