First of all, a little note about Marshall Holonia: If you let a clown into a palace, the clown does not become a king, but the palace becomes a circus.

The Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs of the Supreme Court annulled the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, regarding the expiration of the mandate of MP Mariusz Kaminski. (PAP)

Hell, after the Supreme Court ruling, I salute you all, especially the stupid pot heads.
you are amazing. You wanted Freddy to spoil you, now Freddy is going to spoil you.
Ministers Kamiński and Wąsik are heroes of the great B. A Hołownia, for evening studies.

He always showed “such a jerk” to commies, secret police, ZOOM members, predators and today their spawn from the platform. And for that he has my respect forever.

Interestingly, in this case, all the perverse writers recognize the Supreme Court's decision on the validity of the referendum, but do not recognize the Supreme Court's decision to overturn the Marshall decision. Both decisions were made by the same body of the Supreme Court.

Can you imagine what would happen if Marshall Wittek illegally sent a letter by courier, went to the Supreme Court and personally asked the president of one of the chambers to consider it in the “appropriate panel”.
There would already be a debate in the European Union, four resolutions and bold stripes on TVN24.

but…… “Any motion to entrust a case to a particular panel of the Supreme Court is an unacceptable attempt to influence the selection of judges who meet certain expectations.”

And thus, the President of the Supreme Court, Malgorzata Manovska, paid the boy a large sum of money after his graduation exams.


All Righteous Seims on January 11.
We have different opinions and views on different topics, but it is our duty as Poles to oppose the communists who are back in power.

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