If we remove the names of the parties from the recent statements of PiS politicians, we may have the impression that we have gone back in time. And that it is not PiS that is attacking the current government, but the former opposition that is shouting about the constitution, democracy and the rule of law. The impression is so striking and makes people notice more that it starts to become a reason for thinking. and show how the point of view depends on the sitting point. And how easy it is today to accuse PiS of the same words and actions to which it was previously deaf or aggressive.

– Mr. Speaker, here came the nation from which you ran away with the debates of the Sejm, in front of which you erected barriers. It is a nation that exercises supreme power! – the politician groaned. When? No, it was not 2016, when the Marshal of the Sejm moved the session of the Sejm to the Pillar Hall and it was decided to fence the Parliament to protect it from the protesting crowd, and then it was completely barricaded for years.

Not so when the Senate Speaker explained it to the woman in 2018 The need for barriers in front of the Seimas: – Ma'am, there are barriers so that freaks don't get in there and do damage.

nor when Women's strike One of the organizers shouted: – Take the barriers, the Sejm is ours!

The opposition was not alarmed while the Poles were outraged by these barriers and He posted the photos on social networks And no one listened to him and the people. Because in general – as we heard from the speaker of the Senate – “this does not mean that you can enter the Sejm and do nothing. That you can. Enter the trunk“.

Barriers, democracy, constitution

It was January 11, 2024, when PiS stood on the other side and during a protest in front of the Sejm, he suddenly noticed the barriers that had been erected for a few hours and that he “had not seen” for eight years. and this Przemyslaw Charnek He thundered during this protest that it was Marshall Hollowney who put them before the nation.

And half of PiS reacted to these barriers online. Let's just quote a former marshal Stanislav Karchevsky, who once talked about freaks. Today, he looked at the barriers like this, turning to Shimon Holonia: “Mr. Marshall, the barriers were absolutely unnecessary. I have not seen a single person who wanted to force them.”

You may laugh, but there are many more examples. Who thundered today? rule of law? about Constitution and democracy? It was as if we had a mirror image of what was before. Only with other characters. However, considering that when these slogans were uttered by others over the last eight years, PiS scoffed, mocked or did not react at all, moving like a steamer and doing its job.

Whose words, for example?

Violation of the ConstitutionViolation of law and basic democratic principles by our opponents. I could walk in here wearing a Constitution shirt and feel really good.

He is a former Prime Minister Mateusz MorawieckiJanuary 2024.

And these?

– On my part, I will never agree to violate the constitution.

is the president Andrzej Duda in his New Year message: December 2023.

And not, for example, Rafal Trzaszkowski, the mayor of Warsaw, who said exactly the same thing during the 2020 presidential campaign.

Did anyone predict that when PiS leaves power, there will be a lot of “democratic” speeches by right-wing politicians?

Deputy Piotr Glinski: – We protect democracy, we do not feed on hatred, our slogan is love, democracy and freedom.

Deputy Zbigniew Bogutski: – Law, justice, constitution and rule of law are on our side. We will win!


– Constitution! – chanted the participants PiS protestsNot only in Warsaw. Almost like during the opposition protests, i.e. to protect the courtswhich swept Poland under the PiS government.

Or: – We will protect democracy and the constitution!

Once “informants”, now they themselves warn the West

Rule of law, for which the previous opposition fought, has now in all cases changed to the side of PiS. Contrary to what he previously told voters Yaroslav Kaczynskithat “PiS is the guarantor of the rule of law in Poland”.

Today, every step of the new government causes an extremely different reaction: lawlessness, the destruction of democracy, the constitution underfoot, or “they want to establish a dictatorship in Poland”. And if someone excluded/removed the names of the parties in such messages, they may think that they are in a completely different reality.

Because today PiS politicians are even warning the EU about changes in Poland. They complain that “the parliamentary majority makes fun of Poland in the international arena”. They tweet in English and the former prime minister even recorded his address to the West in English. Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik.

– I appeal to the democratic society of the West not to look passively at what is happening in Poland today. Mateusz Morawiecki saidThey claim that for the first time since the fall of communism we have “political prisoners” in Poland.

What should we call it when the former opposition in similar situations constantly heard that he was “providing information about Poland” and “defaming his own country”?

“Today I asked two questions… Commissioner Didier Reynders Regarding the illegal attack on Polish public media,” said one MEP, for example. No, it wasn't a former opposition politician outraged by the way PiS took over. public mediaHow it started taking them in 2015 and then turned it into a propaganda mouthpiece.

This is PiS MEP Bogdan Rzonka, who has also tagged EU commissioners in other X posts, such as the events in Poland.

Or, in the context of Wasik and Kaminski, he wrote directly in English: “I demand a debate in the European Parliament on the violation of the rule of law in Poland by the government of Donald Tusk!”

Moreover, as Onet found out, President Andrzej Duda is going to launch an international attack in the coming days. “Letters about the violation of the law and the constitution by the new Polish government should be sent, among others, to all the leaders of the European Union, as well as to the President of the United States and major international institutions. said.

And finally, a small thing. Suddenly, on the right side, people noticed the famous Strips on TV. But, for a change, on TVN.

The old Twitter was flooded with similar screenshots. And there's a lot of fun with them. Like the other side who used to hold his head and watch what he was doing Stripping on TVP to please the government.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/257889,paski-tvp-info-jak-demotywatory-wprost-kpia-z-platformy-obywatelskiej

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