In an interview published on Sunday, the PiS politician indicated that he is looking Progressive centralization of the European Union, better understands why the British decided to Brexit. Mateusz Morawiecki warned that while the EU holds many values, these centralizing tendencies could lead to its implosion.

“Well, I probably differ from most of the British people who were in favor of leaving the EU because I believe that the EU has its values, its advantages. But I think that the trend, the trend now is very dangerous. You better understand why Great Britain made such a decision,” the former prime minister asserted in an interview with the Daily Express.

Morawiecki said that the European Commission's suspension of KPO payments to Poland was an attempt to influence the results of the October parliamentary elections. “When it comes to various policies of the European Union, there was really an interference in our domestic affairs,” the politician emphasizes, noting that Brussels' taking further competences from the member states is going in the wrong direction.

“Nation-states have less and less say”

“I think this is going in the wrong direction and will eventually lead to the implosion of the EU.” I really believe that the European Union is a very valuable organization in terms of cooperation within the framework of the free market, the internal market. Various freedoms, free movement of capital, people, goods and services, but the more competence the European Commission acquires and takes over, the less the idea of ​​a sovereign state is, Morawiecki explains.

“If we read the recent plans of the European Parliament and the European Commission regarding treaty reforms, I believe that it is very, very dangerous for the stability of the European Union, because, first of all, it deprives sovereign states of their fundamental rights. In the field of security, foreign policy, tax policy, which is the backbone of every sovereign state, as well as in many, many other fields,” the representative of PiS asserts.

Also read:
Storm among EU leaders. “Michelle annoyed almost everyone”

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