On Monday Mateusz Morawiecki He was a guest of the morning program of Radio Zet, where he was asked, among other things. Whether he wants to take the reins of PiS after the resignation of President Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

– I wish that Mr. President was the head of PiS for as long as possible. He united our camp – emphasized the politician. – Then I also want to participate In this honorable race, in this competition Morawiecki announced. When asked if this meant he wanted the position of PiS leader, he answered “yes”.

look: Real motives of J. Kaczynski. “This is not getting rid of D. Tusk”

Another issue in the conversation was the presidential elections, which will be held in 2025. When asked a question Is Morawiecki going to run in them?stated that: “This decision will be taken by the PiS political committee.” This will happen in about 10 months.

Immunity of Grzegorz Brown. Morawiecki revealed how he will vote

Morawiecki also revealed this will vote “for” In connection with the incident, when voting to remove the immunity of Grzegorz Brown A Confederate politician extinguishes a Hanukkah candle with a fire extinguisher.

However, in the case of the dismissal of the Deputy Speaker of the Seimas, Krzysztof Bosak, from the Presidium of the Seimas. will vote against. – I think that All clubs must be represented in the Presidium of the Seimas. The role of the parliamentary majority is not to choose who can be the deputy chairman and who can't, he said.

look: Grzegorz Brown. Krzysztof Bosak on the MP's behavior: hooligan act

The politician also said that work under his leadership will begin in January State work team. – Emphasis will be on working in several directions. I will invite many people – both politicians and experts – in each of these ten areas. I want to include as many specialists as possible in this team, including local government representatives and entrepreneurs – explained the former prime minister. However, he found that: It will not be the so-called shadow cabinet.

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