Mateusz Berger and Markin Martiniak are no longer members of the board Bank Guarantee Fund. Andrzej Domanski dismissed them from the position reserved for representatives of the Minister of Finance. It has not yet appointed new members – reports Interia Biznes.

However, this will pave the way for a change in the management board in April, when the term of the current BFK management board expires. The representatives of the head of finance of Poland have a majority in the council, because The minister delegates three membersTwo presidents of the National Bank of Poland and one chairman of the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority.

As Interia recalls, Mateusz Berger and Markin Martyniak, dismissed by Domanski, were Mateusz Morawiecki's trusted people. The first of them was the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office and the Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure. Berger also heads the state-owned special purpose vehicle Polskie Elektroownie Jądrowe.

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Martyniak was an advisor in the expert team of the Prime Minister's Chancellery, then the head of the political cabinet of the Minister of Health (after Adam Nidzielski) and finally the Deputy Minister of Health.

As Interia Biznes points out, Minister Domanski again left Krzysztof Budzic in the Council, who was delegated to him in April 2020, when Tadeusz Koszynski was the Minister of Finance.

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