Mr. MP, we are talking about an unusual situation, during the arrest in the Grohów district of Warsaw. In the People's Republic of Poland, you saw the other side of the bars yourself. Did you imagine that such a thing would happen after the fall of communism?

Ian Mosinski: Of course no. There are some parallels between last night and the nights we were arrested and held in custody. From the window or the elevator, I saw my friends coming and cheering us on. It was very encouraging. I couldn't not be here. On December 13, the coalition brought such a fate to our colleagues… It is scandalous that members of the parliament, whose immunity was confirmed by the Supreme Court in writing, were detained in an unprecedented situation for me. The police entered the president's office. Where is the State Security Service? Who coordinated the police to storm in and take the two MPs out? In addition, the President is locked in Belvedere Palace under strange circumstances. We explain all this because the actions of the services that prepared this whole operation to deprive our colleagues of their freedom are ongoing. The source of everything is Article 139 of the Constitution, i.e. the law of grace. It is not subject to any condition that the President may use it under certain circumstances. He can use them at any stage of the trial. It was clearly trampled. Now we can ask many questions – where are the European institutions, the Venice Commission and the like? Today, democracy is trampled to the ground. Belarusian standards begin to take precedence over the rule of law. This is very disturbing. All the more so that on January 11 we have to be in front of the Polish Sejm.

Commentators point out that it is an unprecedented bypass of the president – the decree could change the law, block the president from public transport and take away his right to pardon. They joke that the next president will be chosen by one of the district courts.

This current “must” be recalled by decree and MPs punished for increased parliamentary intervention in accordance with Article 20 of the Act on the fulfillment of the mandate of MPs and Senators. This shows that our country is moving towards an authoritarian state. Those who shouted “Constitution” in the language of hatred trampled it on Polish soil today.

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Plazinski: Kaminski and Vesik tried to break up powerful agreements
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Prof. Domansky: Holonia does not want to change the role of a showman to the role of a politician

(tags translated)jan mosiński

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