“Mr. Clex's Academy” is one of the most anticipated Polish premieres of recent years. Although the film with Tomasz Kot in the title role will not officially be released in cinemas until Friday, it has already broken the audience record, all thanks to the turnout at the pre-premiere screenings.

“Mr. Clex's Academy” with record viewers

new “Mr. Clex's Academy” Directed by Maciej Kawulski and written by Krzysztof Gureczny, it will be released in Polish cinemas on Friday, January 5. The trailer of the production promises the audience special effects that foreign titles would be proud of, as well as many elements of the musical.

On the screen we will see the roles of the main character Ada and the strange teacher-master Mr. Clex. Antonina Litviniak (“In the depths of the forest”) i Tomas Kot (“Civil War”). In addition to them, the cast included such names as Agnieszka Grochowska (“In the Dark”), Danuta Stenka (“Never in My Life!”), Ralf Kaminski, Sebastian Stankiewicz (“Gierek”) and Piotr Fronchevsky (who played Clack in the 1980s movies).

“The story seems to be written on the knee. (…) In addition to the aforementioned editing: fast, dynamic, cut scenes and unfinished dialogues. We're just about to immerse ourselves in a scene when it suddenly disappears and something completely different appears. Kavulski has already done this “How I fell in love with a gangster” And he makes the same mistake in “Mr. Clack's Academy” – he shoots a two-hour music video, not a movie,” reads the review. Ola Gers From the Culture Department of NaTemat.

As it turns out, in order to break the audience record, the children's play starring Cat should not have been released in cinemas. Have you watched the movie Ambrose Clex yet? 438 thousand viewers, and these numbers come from the premiere screening. in history Polish box office There was no such situation before.

– When we started working on the film, I knew that Klex would remember himself, but in my wildest dreams I did not expect such a result and such a great reception – Maciej Kaulski admitted, quoted by Filmweb.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/533447,korwin-piotrowska-critical-akademie-pana-kleksa-zdrowie-wodzi

Let us remind you that they did not like the new version of “Mr. Clex's Academy”, by the way Karolina Corwin-Piotrowska.

“A story with a pacifist and didactic thread, in which Klexa is ineffective. Unfortunately, Tomasz Kot has little acting, a few scenes are not enough for such a large film. There is only Stankiewicz, though trash jokes, And Stenka has material to work with and can get something out of the role, which is a pity,” the journalist wrote on Instagram.

“Mr. Clex's Academy” could have looked different

Let's mention that he himself wanted to get into “Mr. Clex's Academy”. Tomasz Baginski, who received an Oscar nomination in 2002 for the animated short “Cathedral.” The director is currently the producer of a famous TV series “The Magician” Netflix. From his latest Facebook post, we know that he wanted to make the main character the boss of a gang of juvenile delinquents.

“We even met Piotr Fronchevsky and he liked it too. But when we started digging for the film rights, such a maze appeared,” he says.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/454876,w-Czekaniu-na-akademie-pana-kleksa-oto-szesc-polskich-filmow-fantasy

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