CBA chiefs Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic were present on Tuesday evening. They were arrested by the policemen. At the time of arrest, both politicians were in the presidential palace, from where they were taken to the police station at ul. Grenadiers, and then in the Grokhov pre-trial detention center.

The arrest of PiS MPs caused an uproar among President Andrzej Duda and Law and Justice.

Moving words from the wives of detainees

On Wednesday evening, the wives of the arrested politicians – Barbara Kaminska and Roma Vesic – appeared on the TV Republika program, where they talked about how the recent events have affected the lives of their families. Painful words were said during the conversation. As Roma Vesic admitted, he did not expect what happened on Tuesday evening.

– We treat this day in the same way. I did not believe that they would come. And they came while my husband was taking the kids to school. They wanted to enter the house and ask if the husband was at home. I called my lawyer, who advised me against it. It was a difficult experience because I knew something was going to happen, she said.

Vesik said that in her husband's case, she will not compete with the lawyers on which opinion is correct. At the same time, he is sure that the whole situation is an “Olympics in which the audience decides life and death.” She also said that her husband also started hunger strike. before He made this decision Mariusz Kaminski.

– Today we saw our husbands, when my husband also started hunger strike, it was very difficult for our sons and he said that they should do it and it was right, he said.

An element of the political game

For her part, Barbara Kaminska believes that her husband's arrest is part of a “larger political game” aimed at hitting her husband and law and justice.

– We knew that the verdict would be delivered on December 20. We had no doubt that he would be unfavorable and try to remove my husband from public life. It was part of a larger game staged by people associated with the December 13 coalition, he said.

Kaminska also reported the words of her husband, who answered her question if they would finally be able to “live normally”.

– I am obliged, I am obliged to the people who died and gave their blood for the motherland. Who fought in the November, January and Warsaw Uprisings. For these guys, how would they see what happened to our country… my uncle, three uncles shot by the Germans at the Gdańsk railway station in 1943, during the Warsaw Uprising – answered the politician.

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