In a statement released on Wednesday, Mariusz Kaminski said that he had started a hunger strike to protest his arrest. The decision of a PiS politician Deputy Minister of Justice commentedMaria Ezhart-Dubois, responsible for the prisons of the Ministry.

– Everyone has the right not to eat or drink. This is the right of personal freedom, everyone can decide about it, he said at the press conference. – When a person is under state supervision or in prison, he is subject to medical examination and body measurements. He could be placed in an infirmary or a prison hospital, he added.

Mueller comments

The former representative of the government, Piotr Müller, commented on Eichart-Dubai's words. As he said, if he had used such a phrase, the media would have written about a big scandal.

– Like the Deputy Minister of Justice saying that (Kaminski and Vesik – Editor's note) they can't eat and drink, please, he said so. As a government spokesman, if I had said something like that that was at least 10 percent similar to this statement, you would have turned me into a roller coaster, the PiS politician said on TVN24.

The case of Wąsik and Kaminski

Getting to the point PiS politicians were arrested Mueller noted that we are dealing with “a situation where there are people in prison who are pardoned by the president.” Assessing the actions of the police in the presidential palace, the former representative of the government said that those in his environment believe that they are “illegal”.

Mueller does not know whether President Duda will decide to use the amnesty act again. However, this indicates a certain danger of such an action.

– Immediately Mr. Bodnar (minister of justice – editor's note) and Mr. Tusk would come out and say that the prerogatives of the president, for example, regarding the appointment of judges of the Supreme Court or common courts, were considered invalid, because they admit it. So it bears repeating. But they cannot be repeated, because Mr. Bodnar does not announce a competition for the position of judges. (…) This is one example of what can happen, he noted.

Also read:
Unofficially: surprise police action. Mustache removed from prison
Also read:
Arrest of Kaminski and Vesik. PiS has a new plan

(tags translate) Müller

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