Consisting only of so-called neo-judges, the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court has decided to annul the decision to terminate the parliamentary mandate of PiS Vice-President Mariusz Kaminski. Previously, a similar decision was made in this chamber – it acted against the constitution – in the case of PiS MP Maciej Wąsik.

The plan of the Speaker of the Seimas failed Shimon Holavniato appeal the decision to terminate parliamentary mandates Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik The so-called judges in the Supreme Court Chamber of Emergency Control and Public Affairs. It was there that the case of the PiS deputies was discussed, which was previously considered by the Chamber of Labor and Social Insurance.

Neo-judges decided Kaminsky's case

On Friday (5/01), a decision was made in the Kaminsky case similar decision, as in the case of Wąsik earlier. The politicized chamber decided to cancel the decision to terminate the mandate of the PiS deputy.

The case again caused a media frenzy when District Court in Warsaw issued a verdict regarding the actions of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik, the so-called Land scandal since 2007. Both PiS politicians were sentenced to fines Two years in prison and the prohibition of holding executive positions in public institutions for five years.

What happens in the case of Kaminski and Vesik?

After that, Shimon Holonia signed the supporting documents Expiration of mandates Both politicians from the party Yaroslav Kaczynski. Marshall thus fulfilled the obligation arising from art. 249 § 1 of the Election Code. Roman Girtikh claimed then that A sentence execution order is issued by the end of the day at the latest.

However, it happened differently, because Kaminski and Vesik did not end up in prison, but decided to fight before the Supreme Court to overturn the decision of the Speaker of the Sejm. At Wąsik's request, this is his job The Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court is consideredwhich includes the so-called judges.

We remind you that this group was appointed by a new member National Council of Justicewhose existence and actions raise doubts in many legal authorities (including the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights).

First, on Thursday (4/01), the Chamber overturned the Holounia decision regarding Vesik, among other things, the President's Andrzej Duda The first act of grace. Then, the President of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, Judge Zbigniew Kapinski, decided that the application against Kaminski would be examined by the same body that investigated the Wąsik case.

Recall that Judge Kapinski replaces the first president of the Supreme Court in absentia. Malgorzata Manowska.

Holovnia addressed the above statements Chamber of Labor and Social Insurance of the Supreme CourtWhere such doubts should be directed. After a while, it became clear that the case of the PiS MPs was transferred from the Chamber of Labor and Social Insurance. Chamber of Emergency Control and Public Affairs.

Bodnar on the case of Kaminski and Vesik

Among others, he commented on the deepening problem: the Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar. At the press conference on Friday, the politician called the events “chaos”. He also noted an important detail.

– The decision of the Supreme Court is valid Mandate expirationNo feeds Messrs. Vasik and Kaminsky in prison. From the point of view of criminal law, nothing prevents Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vasik from serving their sentence – explained the head of the Ministry of Justice.

The minister also noted that the president can use the right of pardon at any time and “use it correctly”.

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