According to the two-term president of the Republic of Poland, Alexander Kwasniewski, the only solution to the expected veto of the two-term president of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, is early elections.

INC former left-wing president Donald Tusk Should repeat Kaczynski's maneuver from 2007. Then, as we remember, the Seimas adopted a resolution on shortening the term of office (September 7, 2007). The reason was the collapse of the equally exotic coalition of PiS, Samoobrona and Giertych's party. Years later, the latter boasted that at that time he was playing the role of Wallenrod, that is, he was the Tusk man of the Landing…

Kaczynski believed that the elections would strengthen PiS so much that there would be no need for a coalition.

Meanwhile, Tusk emerged victorious, leading to two terms in power for the PO-PSL coalition (Tusk was too weak to govern alone).

At the same time, the struggle against the president began, which continued even after his tragic death on April 10, 2010.

As we remember, in the 2014 election, real miracles happened at the boxes, including 120,000 missing votes and an incredible number of invalid votes. We know the effect. The PSL won, although it had little support in pre-election polls.

It will only be created Election control movement PiS won, a double victory, in 2015.

Did the oversight of the 2023 election affect the final outcome?

Although the court ruled that the protests had no influence on their outcome, the same was true in 2014.

Judicial truth is just another type of truth that complements the list of famous mountaineers in Fr. Tishner*.

According to Kvashnevsky, Tusk should force the dissolution of the Sejm.

Because if indeed every law, every proposal of the parliamentary majority and every proposal of the government is blocked by the veto of the president, we will find ourselves in a state of very deep paralysis of the state. A crisis from which, in my opinion, there is only one way out (…). The ruling majority must then call for early elections, declaring that under such circumstances it cannot fulfill its mandate and needs at least enough seats in parliament to override a presidential veto.

(TOK FM, Onet)

So far, PAD has only blocked a bill according to which the exotic coalition of December 13 wanted to increase the funds allocated to public media by 50% compared to the funds allocated to “its” PiS media.

But Kwasnevsky could and he has the right to do so as a politician with recognized achievements and experience.

Tusk probably wants (and this probability is quite close) to survive until the end of PAD's term with the help of parliamentary resolutions and taking over the institutions by force.

A democratic election, even in a situation where his democratic mask has fallen off surprisingly quickly and people have seen his face contorted in mockery, is too much of a risk.

KO will not last another term in the opposition. Moreover, Tusk may seriously consider the possibility of changing his place of residence. 😉

It is true that he will probably not be shouted at in Radom, but it is difficult to expect that Rudy Frasiniuk will find his world under the cell and become a prisoner. 😉

Kwasniewski, no matter what you say about him, like all former members of PEZETPER, he has much more democratic principles than Tusk and his son, who calls himself the heir of the first solidarity.

And while Gomulka spoke of a power they would not relinquish once they had it, Kwasniewski saw how easily it slipped from their hands once they neglected the nation.

However, Tusk does not care about the nation. Yes, he recognizes it, but only when he has support in it. So it will play back to the audience, a kind of feedback.

Therefore, the recent events will not weaken, but will actually intensify the aggression.

Soon we will hear about the huge profits in the state treasury companies and again about the loss caused by the merger of the Lotus refinery in Gdańsk with Orlen, although TVN has already had to apologize for such a statement.

Tusk perfectly mastered the art of sabotage (vide: Schopenhauer). He will activate social tension to divert attention as far as possible from what he cares about.

The TV riot perfectly covered the changes in the European Union unfavorable for Poland. There will be more such smoke screens.

Kwasniewski, who concludes the interview with TOK FM, notes that the scenario presented by him is a “democratic and effective” way to end the internal conflict.

But does Tusk really want to calm down?

We remember his previous governments. Instead of mitigation, there was only escalation. Even the death of the president became the reason for the aggravation of the situation.

No sane person would say that Palikot's attacks were spontaneous, at least not without inspiration from Rudy.

Moreover, Rudy has become a sort of hostage to the left-wing extremism he has brought against the United Right.

Just visit the X Portal and see Blaster perform “Strong Together”. In addition, there are many smaller and larger predators, including, to everyone's horror, the teachers who have haunted them for years. love to ZP.

What happens when someone starts to moderate his anti-PiS involvement is clearly seen by Prof. Markin Matchak.

Currently, he is accused of being a pessimist, and even Roman Giertikh's legal representative blocked him.

Nevertheless, one of the bloggers I respect writes that we need to talk.

And finally, one thing you have learned: you and all the others who have practically brought Poland up to the fourth partition, that if you want to win Tusk supporters over to your side, you cannot insult them, as PiS has done and continues to do. Do it today. And I don't care that the PO might do the same. You can see the effect of that.

Speak calmly and meaningfully.

Unfortunately. You cannot talk to someone motivated by hatred. Even more quietly and meaningfully. From the posts of Giertikh, who is still the guru of a large part of Tusk's orthodox supporters, only this feeling emerges.

Probably the strongest.

For eight years, people have been instilled with paranoia by PO(r)media, street campaigns like KOD, Ubywatele, etc.

On October 15 last year, we saw that this was partially successful.

However, in all this we forget about the parallel referendum. On average, 96% of participants answered according to ZP expectations.

Unfortunately, less than 41% of participants participated. However, this is 56% of all voters!

In absolute numbers – 12,082,588 voters.

At the same time, 7,640,854 people voted for ZP in the elections.

The difference is 4,441,734 votes.

This is more than the New Left (1,859,018), Third Way (3,110,670) or Confederation (1,547,364) votes. 67% of votes went to Tusk's party.

It is not only possible, but it must be assumed that a large part (if not all) of these people believed that PiS would win the election but would be forced to form a coalition government. Therefore, they voted for another option.

However, it turns out that when they voted for Holonia, Dr. Kosniak-Kamish, Zandberg, etc., they actually voted for Tusk.

However, when the masks fall, and on top of that, it turns out that the previous password *********! has changed ***** Constitution! Electoral sympathies are being re-evaluated. Basically, every next move by a drunken lieutenant colonel or a bald clerk makes people either towards ZP or simply indifferent to the next election.

And yet Bodnar's contemporary, a certain Budka, will soon start messing with companies. We remember, after all, that one of Tusk's “specifications” is the destruction of the Polish energy system, which is based on coal and relies on windmills manufactured in China via Germany. This means mass layoffs in the mining sector.

At this point I should feel some schadenfreude (joy at someone else's misfortune, harm). After all, the voters in Bogatinia and the surrounding area were mostly in favor of the exotic coalition. And as we've known since Roman times, no harm comes to a wisher.

People are starting to open their eyes.

The miners (and others) will take to the streets again.

Therefore, it is not really possible to talk about record turnout in extraordinary elections. People went to the polls on October 15, partly drunk with slogans about the loss of the rule of law or PiS theft, after the liberal left lost the 2015 election.

But this is already clear We have the rule of law… as Tusk and his gang understand it.

The PiS theft, however, is still waiting to be discovered. 😉

But the contempt for the constitution and the flagrant violation of the law cannot be covered up by stories about the “Morawiecki hole” or tales about the poor condition of Orléans.

Therefore, the promised increase for certain groups of public finances is expected. Tusk will have to buy voters and, in the case of power ministries, support them.

He will keep his word here.

There is no choice.

This is the wisdom of the stage, as Marxists close to liberals say.

But these will be the only winners during Tusk's tenure.


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* Provda, She Pruda, Pork Pruda and Shit Provda

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