06/01/2024, 05:06

PAP has started publishing materials that until recently did not have a place in dispatchers (screen: pap.pl)

After the Law and Justice politicians left the PAP headquarters and the agency's new president, Marek Blonsky, became the company's liquidator, changes can be seen in the PAP's news service and website. The selection of materials is more balanced, there are no more messages marked “Urgent” when a PiS politician speaks to the media.

Again on December 20, when PiS politicians began occupying the offices of public mediaIn what they called “interventions by MPs”, the PAP quoted almost every statement they made, including some that were patently false.

Change in the Polish Press Agency

The website Pap.pl published, for example, a statement by Piotr Glinski: “We do nothing but protect the legal order in relation to public media in Poland.” However, in the “recommended” tab on the first channel, there was material about the visit of the vice-president of sovereign Poland, Michal Wojcik, to the PAP studio and his statement about the health of the president of this party, Zbigniew Ziobro: “We are crossing our fingers and praying for Zbigniew Ziobro's speedy recovery. Of course Should he return to politics “I hope it will happen soon”.

Also read: Wojciech Tumidalski, journalist of “Rzeczpospolita”, editor-in-chief of PAP since February.

Marek Blonski was already listed as the president of the PAP on the Pap.pl website, but materials published by the PAP show that he has yet to influence editorial policy. The previous president, Wojciech Surmac, tried to run the agency from his room on the sixth floor with the PAP's editor-in-chief, Cesar Bielakowski, and his deputies: Radoslaw Gil and Tomasz Grodecki.

However, on December 21, the news service published a message early in the morning: “PAP's governing council dismissed the agency's editor-in-chief and his two deputies.” This proved that the editors responsible for publishing the dispatches in PAP recognized Marek Blonski as the legitimate management of the agency and the decisions of his personnel as binding.

Also on December 21, at 6:48 p.m., a story from the meeting of the new president with the staff of the Pope was published. “Unbiased agency journalism standards, a mechanism to refer a journalist in case of suspected violations – these are the priorities of PAP President Marek Blonski, appointed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, who indicated during a meeting with PAP journalists on Thursday. The current president, Wojciech Surmac, did not want to comment on the plans.

PAP editors walk a fine line

Since then, the habits that the agency's clients have observed in recent years have begun to disappear from PAP's website and website. The PAP has stopped quoting almost all statements by PiS politicians and has stopped marking the statements of the party's most prominent members with the note “urgent”.

Also read: Jan Rakoczy will be the deputy editor-in-chief of the Polish Press Agency

On the other hand, PAP started to publish materials that until recently did not have a place in dispatchers. So, on December 28, the main page of Pap.pl published the material “58 percent of Poles believe that Jaroslaw Kaczynski should not continue as the president of PiS.” The statements of PiS's political opponents also appeared, and not only in such a way that the politicians of the previously ruling party discredited or even ridiculed them.

PAP editors walk a fine line – they must be careful not to react in the other direction. They were already close: like when Jacques Delors, French politician, finance minister, MEP and president of the European Commission from 1985-1995, died. The PAP then published a telegram about what Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski had written about the deceased on Platform X, with the headline. On the death of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jacques Delors: a great politician and a great loss.

“Without Jacques Delors, there will not be a united Europe that can act together in the face of the huge challenges that we face: eliminating inequality between member states, fighting the pandemic, helping Ukraine and many others. A great politician and a great loss,” he wrote on Thursday to Platform. on X, reported the head of Polish diplomacy in his message to the PAP.

Also read: The management exchange of Orlen and Polska Press will begin on February 6. The entire PP leadership should resign

(MAK, 06/01/2024)

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