In response to this, on January 3, IKEA stopped cooperation with “Republica” TV station. It was followed by: mBank, Carrefour Polska, Media Expert, Adamed Pharma,, Skoda, OtoDom, Bank Millennium, Alior Bank, Santander, Master Card, Aflofarm, Tarczyński and E.Wedel. He is also considering a similar move Zhabka, although the statement of the network shows that the decision has not been made yet.

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See also: TVP stars in millions, teachers can't wait for pay rise. “Simple Propaganda”

They announce a boycott of the former advertisers of “Republic” TV station

Tomasz Sakievic announced a boycott of the companies. This was announced by the President of Republic TV His companies will not buy furniture from IKEA. “The reason for this decision is that this company is engaged in activities that undermine the principles of democracy, including freedom of speech and freedom of religion,” X wrote on the website.

However, he was not the only one who joined the action. Station viewers are also trying to outdo each other with ideas on how to attack the companies that run the ads. Recently, one of X's users presented a media expert “baking” scenario:

A “list of shame” is created for companies that have distanced themselves from the Republic.

The website noticed that the confusion surrounding the TV company “Republica” is scary for PiS. this party “I need the fuel to fuel the debate before the 'big march for media freedom' in Poland.” – we are reading.

Journalists also suggest that the recent racist statements on this channel may not have been a coincidence. Some commentators have suggested that they were done deliberately to provoke a public reaction. Thanks to this, PiS was able to mobilize the electorate to participate in the march and emphasized that the target of the attacks is “the last free television”.

This is also reported by Right-wing circles create a “list of shame”. All companies that refuse to continue advertising on “Republic” TV are being targeted. The response from their viewers is a boycott.

Polsat seemed to point a finger

Television took its chance and decided to increase the price of advertising. Rates were to increase 22 times. The site, which described this case for the first time, noticed that a 30-second share in the “Dzijaji” advertising block recently cost 550 GEL. Now the price is already 12 thousand. zloty.

Companies talk about terror, Polsat – about regulations

A representative of one of the companies, which wanted to withdraw from advertising in the republic, calls such action “terror”. – And since we don't want our ads, which we paid for, Solorts threatens us and invented a huge compensation. I ask you for what? Our lawyers say that this is absurd, – says the interlocutor of the site.

Polsat Group quickly responded to these reports. His representative cited a regulation that said Resignation from the broadcasting rings means the so-called cancellation fee. Its rate is 20 percent. 5 days before the first airing of the ad in case of cancellation or 100% if the decision is made later.

Anyone can cancel ordered campaigns, of course by following the rules. So, let's not joke about this terror and threat, because it is not serious – said Tomasz Matwieichuk in response to the website

Advertising revenue will be very useful for the Republic

Canceling advertisers may create a big hole in Republika TV's budget. The television, created in 2013, started making money only in 2021. According to the website, the station had 228,000 viewers at the time. PLN profit. A year later, the profit decreased to PLN 33.8 thousand. zloty. There are no data for 2023 yet.

However, it is no secret that the financial situation of television is not the best. After some viewers switched from TVP Info to Republic, the latter channel Regularly distributes requests to viewers to transfer money for further activities. As the website reminded, last Wednesday Danuta Holecsa also spoke on this topic (who joined Republic from TVP) on the air of “Today” news program.

– Thank you very much for your trust and financial support of free media. You can still support us by donating to our account – said the presenter. After his words, two account numbers of the Niezależne Media Foundation, which are related to the media of Tomasz Sakiewicz, were shown.

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