Mariusz Kaminski is in prison in Radom, and Macie Vesik is in a facility in Przytuli Stare near Ostrolenka. The police arrested PiS politicians in the presidential palacewhere they stayed at the invitation of Andrzej Duda.

The former heads of CBA remained December In 2023, he was sentenced to 2 years in prison in the activity e. land scandal, despite the fact that in 2015 the president used the amnesty law against them. He did so after a partial ruling, which lawyers dispute.

On January 11, the president announced – after meeting with the spouses of Kaminski and Vesik – the beginning of the pardon process. INHe also appealed to the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General Adam Bodnar to release them from prison until the end of the process.

Mastalerek about Kaminsky's stay in prison. “Threatens his life”

The head of the presidential administration, Markin Mastalerek, said on Zet radio that “the presence of MP, Minister Kaminski in prison is a danger to his life.” Mastalerek also appealed to the Minister of Justice, Attorney General Adam Bodnar.

– Do you still remember that you were the deputy head of the Helsinki Human Rights Foundation? Do you still remember being an ombudsman? Think what Ombudsman Adam Bodnar would do? Aren't you ashamed of yourself? – asked the Minister of the President.

Is a politician freezing and sleeping in a jacket? Services are responding to his wife's accusations

Barbara Kaminski, Mariusz Kaminski's wife, told the media that it was cold in her cell and the politician had to sleep in his coat. When asked for a comment on the mentioned issue, the prison service stated that “the pre-trial detention center in Radom provides proper hygienic conditions, sufficient air supply, seasonal temperature and lighting, in accordance with the standards defined for residential areas.”

Also read:
“I won't forgive you for that.” Behind the scenes of the arrest of new Kaminsky and Vesik

(translate tags) Kaminsky and Whiskey

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