Zbigniew Ziobro's health condition has been very serious for several weeks. Party colleagues accidentally provide the public with information about what is happening with the leader of sovereign Poland. It is already known that it is cancer. Recently, MP Jacek Ozdoba asked for detailed information on this topic.

Zbigniew Ziobro is seriously ill

Jacek Ozdoba He commented on Zbigniew Ziobro's health condition during a recent guest appearance on Radio ZET with Beata Lübecka.

– The minister has a very serious oncological disease. This is a problem with the esophagus, is undergoing very intensive oncological treatment. When I talked to him, he urged everyone to take care of their health. At the moment, he is committed to treatment and family, MP Jacek Ozdoba said on radio ZET.

The spokesman for Sovereign Poland stressed that everyone in the party hopes for a speedy recovery. Zbigniew Ziobro. – He is undoubtedly a strong player, so I think he will get stronger. As soon as he overcomes this disease. I am sure that it will be so, says Ozdoba.

The MP also condemned the behavior of some journalists who mocked Ziobro's hoarse voice while speaking on the rostrum of the Parliament. – I regret that I have been observing such a scenario for a long time Some journalists make fun of his noisewhich often appeared at conferences, and this is one of the symptoms of the oncological disease that the minister has, because the tumor is pressing on him, it makes it difficult to speak – he said on the air of radio ZET.

He has been gone for several weeks

Zbigniew Ziobro – the former Prosecutor General and Minister of Justice in the PiS government – surprised public opinion with his absence from the Seimas on December 11, when Prime Minister Mateusz. Morawiecki presented the exposition. Then the first “leak” about the politician's illness appeared.

It has been known for several weeks that it is cancer. It is said that the tumor is so aggressive that it was necessary to be hospitalized immediately and to change the position of the party president, which he occupied. Patrick Jacques. A few days ago, “Super Express” asked the members of the sovereign Poland about the health of Zbigniew Ziobro. – Zbyszek passes enough Radical chemotherapy. We pray for his health, an anonymous party member told the newspaper.

He is no longer the head of the Ministry of Justice

We remind you that on November 27, Zbigniew Ziobro resigned as Minister of Justice and General Prosecutor. Therefore, the deputy had to join two parliamentary committees. At the vote held on November 29, which, among others, received: Citizen's bill regarding in vitro refund The members of the Lex Tusk Commission were dismissed from the state budget, and the deputies also supported changes in the composition of the commission.

As a rule, such proposals are voted on collectively, but the representative of the majority of the Seimas presented the motion. Separate voting for Ziobro candidacies. The former Minister of Justice wanted to be a member of the Committee on Constitutional Accountability and the Committee on the Rules of Deputies' Affairs and Immunities.

However, the voting results did not go Ziobro's way. 179 MPs supported his candidacy, and 179 MPs opposed it. 442 to 250 people participated in the voting.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/533051,jaki-o-zanie-zdrowie-ziobry-ma-finans-zdrowie-zlosliwy

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