This refers to the regulation of the Minister of National Defense of December 7, 2023 on the draft template of the certificate of mobilization and wartime military service, which entered into force on Saturday, January 13.

“The regulation specifies the draft template of the certificate of military service performed during mobilization and war, which is given in the annex to the regulation,” reads the regulation published in the “Laws” magazine.

Must report to military service at six o'clock

Appointment card template It consists of two parts: intended for the designated person and the head of the military recruitment center. It contains data on the date and place of appearance of the subpoenaed person and instructions on the consequences of failure to comply with the subpoena, as well as useful information for the subpoenaed person and notification of subpoena delivery.

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In the section entitled “Instructions”, inter alia, it is written that the term “immediately” means that the designated person must appear at the place of appearance specified in this card not later than six hours after receiving information about the application. general mobilization or the start of war.

“The reporting deadline, for example, on the second day of mobilization, at 12:00, means that the appointed person is obliged to report on the specified next day of mobilization, independently calculated in relation to the first day of mobilization indicated on the upper right. corner of the first page of the appointment card”, we read.

Penalties for failure to notify

In addition, a person who “during mobilization or war, called up for active military service, does not report to this service on the specified date and place, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of not less than 3 years. “

“Whoever, during mobilization or war, in order to permanently avoid the obligation to be called up for military service, to be called up for active military service, does not report to this service on the date and place indicated, shall be punished by imprisonment. for at least 5 years”, it is written.

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As it was added, in case of impossibility to report at the time and place specified in the appointment card, “the summoned person is obliged to inform the commander of the military unit in which he is obliged to report the reasons for the impossibility. to appear and appear at the appointed place immediately after the cessation of the reason preventing him from appearing.” within the time specified in the appointment card.

This regulation was preceded by the regulation of the Minister of National Defense dated September 28, 2015 specifying appointment card templates and their purpose, as well as announcement templates, which expired on October 24, 2023 in accordance with the law of March 11. 2022 year on the homeland of defense.

dk / / PAP

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