Some encourage people not to shoot fireworks on New Year's Eve, others boast of alcohol-free fun. Confederation MPs take a much more traditional approach. Konrad Berkovic proved it in Bogdan Rimanovski's program. Talking about his New Year's plans, he made it quite clear that his party will end with a real hangover. But he has a solution.

Confederate MPs make it abundantly clear that “New Year's customs”, ie crackers, fireworks and drinking alcohol, are not for them. The fact that a “traditional” approach is widespread in the party was recently confirmed by Dobromir Sosnierts, who downplayed Stress that animals experiencewhich causes the noise of pyrotechnic materials.

Konrad Berkovic made an indirect comment on the issue of giving up alcohol.

Berkovich and Cucumber from Grandma Marysia

Berkovic hosted Bogdan Rimanovski in the program. On New Year's Eve, the journalist not only asked the guests about current political issues, but also talked about the plans for the last day of the year. In this regard, he noted that the politician was a good dancer. He commented on this with the following words:

– as the classicist said, sir, who does not drink And he does not swear and does not follow the situation in the country. Therefore, it doesn't matter where, it doesn't matter what he dances, it matters what he drinks – he answered.

Rymanovsky did not leave these words indifferent. – What will we drink? – asked the journalist.

– everyone. but most importantly What he will drink the next day – he added and showed how he was preparing for New Year's Eve. He took it out of the net… A jar of cucumbers Pickled. – I recommend cucumber, I got it from my grandmother Marisia – he explained the presentation.

It certainly lightened the mood of the show. Moreover, there was even a tasting. Berkovic offered grandmother's cucumber to another guest, MP Michal Gramatika from Poland 2050.

Confederate politicians aren't the only ones who love alcohol

Berkovich also carried out another rather controversial action. In May, he organized a parliamentary intervention… during the Juvenalia. This meant integrating with students, who had to be pelted with vodka and handed out beer by the MP, which he bragged about on social media.

The topic of politicians and alcohol was discussed in the media, and “Fakt” published several times, including photos of the parliamentarians who were spotted at the time. Buying bottles of alcohol in larger and smaller sizes.

The people caught recently were Lukasz Mezha and Kamil Bortnichuk.

“This is not the first such situation observed by our photojournalists in recent days. Just the day before – December 11 – we found MPs Irineusz Rasi (Trzecia Droga) and Łukasz Schreiber (PiS) shopping for alcohol. Rasi was buying beer and Schreiber. “Monkey” was buying vodka “, the tabloid writes.

In the book “Poland at War” published in November, there is a topic about Andrzej Duda. Zbigniew Parafianowicz describes the circumstances of the Russian invasion of Ukraine from the Polish perspective, and in this case Meeting of the President of the Republic of Poland with his Ukrainian counterpart.

– Duda plus water is equal not boring. Duda without alcohol is terrible bile, but after alcohol it is the opposite. Wisla was a common occurrence. Alcohol diplomacy with a very satisfactory result. Duda is a great joke teller in Russian. I don't know how he knows him, but he told him with a good accent – the description “Diplomat B”, quotes the author of the book.

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