Do you know the term “uncle from the wedding”? He's the kind of man who makes dirty jokes, kisses her hand, and doesn't take no for an answer when a woman flatly refuses to dance again. In addition, she praises that “hips are great for having babies” and “breathing is important too.” Ah! He also sometimes ends the party covered in breakfast eggs. I get the impression that the gala of sports champions, during which the athlete of the year is announced, is full of such uncles.

I'm not saying it's fun Sports Champions Gala He is not great. From the side, from the perspective of someone watching the report through the prism of the screen, it looks like the wedding mentioned above. token certificate Uncle from the wedding In the eyes of the audience, the number of participants is clearly large.

Or at least the organizers want it to look like that from the side…

Gala of sports champions, i.e. “beautiful ladies” and drinking until the morning

I am the daughter of a gym teacher and spent many of my childhood years in the ballroom (in the company of other gym teachers). I've heard a lot and nothing surprises or embarrasses me. Even so, listening to coverage of a major sporting event, I felt constipated from the start.

It was enough to allow him to speak Honorary editor-in-chief of “Przegląd Sportowy” Mackay Petruchenko. It wasn't even minutes before he started saying that he liked “pretty women in sports” (what about the ones who aren't necessarily pretty?) and that in general “there's a lot of balls going on, hehe.”

Of course, no one hid that it was only about drinking until morning. Mr. Petruchenko himself said that there was even an unwritten rule that said “anyone who fell at the ball was not fit to work at Przegląd Sportowy.”

This statement did not end there. There were many slogans about the “legendary scrambled egg” that you have to survive to get. And looking from the sidelines, I have a little contempt for the journalists who interviewed the guests.

Because it is difficult to resist the impression that they themselves addressed their interlocutors in such a way as to somehow provoke them to talk about this very unsportsmanlike lifestyle. Because drinking alcohol in bulk is no secret. This probably applies to activists and other industry people more than athletes, but…

Watch the recording with Mateusz Borek, who “became famous” during one of the past galas. He tried to make a coherent statement, but his nonsense about how he respects Bartosz Zmarzlik despite knowing nothing about speedway will go down in history:

A joke on a joke, the icing on the cake for the best athlete of 2023

I told my editorial colleagues that I needed to write a column about this shameful event in the third minute of the broadcast. And when I saw what Vladislav Kozakiewicz did on stage, I was only convinced that I was right.

Am I surprised by this pseudo-joke? You are welcome. And I guarantee you won't be surprised if you find out what was going on there. And what did not pass is probably the topic of a separate text.

I strongly encourage the journalists present to write this down. Maybe someone will finally come to their senses and realize that this is true An event to promote sports. And in its greatest shame, competition is not a happily recognized sport.

By admin

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