– Thank you for allowing us to meet and discuss issues related to education, security and school curriculum. It was an important and very promising conversation for us – writes Anja Rubik on the social network.

To know who the Education Minister met and what it means for our children, just read the content published by the SEXEDPL Foundation.

What do sex educators not tell us?

The foundation's website instructs young people, among other things, on how to prepare for anal sex, which “can be safe, pleasurable and painless.” There are texts that contain advice on how to hide, absorb, promote and support LGBT content from your family, as well as how to choose erotic gadgets and take care of their hygiene. Children visiting the site may also encounter material that openly promotes casual sex. From the text, young people will learn, among other things, that “we can have sex when and how we want, and we can make decisions in the moment (…). It doesn't matter if we thought about it for two weeks or five minutes.” At the same time, the authors of the text have some important recommendations for young people – they recommend that everyone always carry a condom and/or “oral mask” (!) and an early abortion pill.

Even worse content can be found on the foundation's YouTube channel. In one of the materials, Anja Rubik's interlocutors – in the role of “experts” – directly encourage teenagers to masturbate. One of the model's guests talks about his first masturbation at the age of 6. A minute later, we hear, among other things, that “young guys masturbate together” and that it's totally normal, and the man adds that “masturbation fosters creativity” and recommends “masturbating before every date.” The fact that we are dealing with vulgar and obscene content is best Even YouTube decided that this video was inappropriate for children and introduced an age check. Meanwhile, for Barbara Nowachka, the author of this content is an authority in the field of “sexual education” of Polish school students…

We reveal the truth about vulgar sex education

We must do everything we can to protect our children from this vulgar demoralization. The effective interventions of Ordo Iuris in previous years show that our actions can be decisive. It was the interventions of Ordo Jury lawyers that “Gazeta Wyborcza” recently recognized as one of the main reasons for the radical restriction of the “Rainbow Friday” campaign, through which LGBT activists tried to enter schools and prevent vulgar sex. Education classes in Gdańsk, Krakow and Poznan.

In order to alert as many parents as possible to the dangers of gender-based sexuality education, we are currently developing a series of essays that analyze the sources, ideological goals, and methods of vulgar sex educators. In the six texts published so far, we have shown that permissive sexuality education is based on gender theory, promotes the sexualization of young children, and reduces the realm of sexuality almost exclusively to pleasure, completely ignoring its procreative dimension.

Sex educators also directly encourage young people to watch pornography. Such encouragement can be found, among others, on the social channels of the said foundation SEXEDPL. In one of the videos, the “educator” says that “through porn, he lost some of his complexes and accepted himself,” and the educator encourages young people to learn sexual techniques by watching porn. The unscientific nature of such claims is revealed by psychologist Bogna Bialecka, who in one of his… records Published on the YouTube channel of the Ordo Jury Institute (in addition essays on sex education) explains exactly how much damage a child's mind can do as a result of being exposed to pornography.

Ordo Iuris experts are currently working on a bill that would put an end to the unlimited access of minors to pornography on the Internet. After finishing the work on the act, we plan to start a social information campaign on the consequences of viewing pornography by minors, and we will present the bill itself to the parliament within the framework of the citizens' legislative initiative. We will write more about the progress and future of this initiative in the coming months.

Ordo Yuri to protect children

The pervasive pornography and sexualization of young people is a very serious and urgent problem that is still underestimated by a large part of society today. We only hear the sounds of great, mass outrage in situations like the recently revealed pedophilia scandal among Polish YouTube video creators that affected the whole of Poland a few months ago. At that time there was a lot of talk on the Internet about the demoralization of young people. It has been revealed that people who have been sending their messages to children and teenagers for years have been posting sexually explicit material – posting revealing clothes, talking about their sexual experiences and posting photos sent by teenagers. It was only when it became clear that some of them were using their authority among young people to deceive and harm them that voices emerged in the media that recognized the pathology of the sexualization of young people. We have been noticing the problem for years and we are systematically and consistently fighting it – not only “from scandal to scandal”.

The same is true of pedophilia, which only gets media attention when the perpetrator of child abuse is worthy of being attacked in the media. Lawyers of the Ordo Jury Institute have been helping all victims of pedophilia who come to us for several years – regardless of who is the perpetrator. For this purpose, we formed a group for the protection of children and adolescents, within the framework of which we tried the priest who abused the boy. Unfortunately, when the perpetrator of the crime is not a clergyman, but a person working in another profession, it is not so easy to get justice. This is evidenced by two other trials we have conducted, in which – despite equally strong evidence against the criminals – law enforcement authorities do not show proper interest in the case.

Our fight for the welfare of our children is broad, comprehensive and effective. We have already shown many times that together we can block the attack of radical ideologues. I believe that we will succeed this time as well.

Also read:
Civil partnership is just the beginning. The Seimas discusses “same-sex marriages”.
Also read:
Same-sex couples in the TVP program. “gone fast”

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