For 8 years they have been shouting about the rule of law and violation of the constitution – but not a single “broken” law or any legal basis justifying the accusation of violation of the law. Leaders of opposition parties also questioned the status of the Constitutional Tribunal and the judges sworn in by the President of the Republic of Poland. Because for today's junta of December 13 – that is, the collection of parties that formed a parliamentary majority after losing the elections – fighting, rioting and notorious lies were the way to get to the Sejm, where the clown mouths. TVN announced a “new quality” of governance and debate!

This “new degree” is the now-forgotten Bolshevik methods, where Bolshevik “legal supremacy” was created using decrees, and those who opposed this “legal supremacy” were punished by imprisonment. Today, Minister Bodnar, who plays the role of Bolshevik commissar of justice during Tusk's prostitution – he is also subordinate to the prosecutor's office and does not give up the honorable position of a senator, does not hide that he is looking for a legal basis for prosecution. Attack on the media by Lt. Col. Sienkiewicz.

The decree of the junta-dominated Sejm on December 13 was enough to undermine the constitution, laws and prerogatives of the President of the Republic of Poland! Creating total chaos and anarchy – the junta of December 13 is trying to shift the responsibility for the attack on Poland to the PIS! It is as if PIS illegally introduced the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of April 2, 1997, according to which the decree may annul not only the law, but the Constitution itself!

But as the Nazi-Bolshevik Bodnar claims, there is a chance that the Tusk junta will return the constitution to the Poles, because “We have a situation where we are restoring this constitutionality and we are looking for some legal basis to do it.. Nazi-Bolshevik Prosecutor General and Senator in one person – he has been looking for this legal basis for years in Berlin, where in October 2021, while receiving an award from the Federal Association of German-Polish Societies (Deutsch-Polnische). Gesellschaft Bundesverband eV), Bodnar compared Poland to a wild animal that the Germans – as a mentor – must tame. Hitler failed to do this, so the Germans, with the help of Tusk, Sienkiewicz and Bodnar, finally try to “tame” the Poles…

The chaos and anarchy caused by the Tusk junta is well supported by the legal “alorites” of the Third Republic of Poland, joined by a clown from TVN, from whom the junta of December 13 made a neo-marshal of the Sejm! All this managed not only to undermine the status of the Constitutional Tribunal, which was called the “Przylbska Tribunal”, but also the so-called In the neo-national council of the court, in which (although he does not seem to exist!) the brawler Gasiuk-Pihovic was appointed and he was already paid PLN 14,000 for trying to torpedo the council meetings! Führer Tusk's government is paying dearly from our taxes for the riots and fights caused by TVP, PAP and Polish Radio. But Gasiuk-Pihovic is not the only fight!

Here is Remigiusz Dziemianowicz, an anti-communist opposition activist from the time of the Polish People's Republic, repeatedly arrested by the security services for pointing out that his daughter Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Beck. This left-wing activist initially wanted to take over the Ministry of Education and organized “ambitious” plans for this Ministry. “We want to change the vectors of the basic curriculum – from the past to the future. Instead of HiT and religion, we want to introduce sex education, climate education and labor education, because young people are the group most exposed to exploitation.” – he said in the Jewish newspaper.

In the end, Dziemianowicz-Beck was chosen by the Führer as “Minister” of Family, Labor and Social Policy, much to her father's dismay.“That's how my wife raised her (…) My daughter is a typical Nazi-Bolshevik, but I didn't raise her that way, so I can only apologize.” – writes in one of the comments the father of the current “minister” of family, labor and social policy, who also knows about Nazi-Bolshevik education…

Describing what the TVN clown knows, who was appointed neo-marshal of the Sejm by the junta on December 13, despite having only completed his school-leaving exams, is a task for a specialist in psychiatry. Holovnia cannot accept the court's decision to restore the immunities of Kaminski and Vesik, which were taken away from them – of course, according to the law, as Führer Tusk understood. It should be noted that the neo-marshal also granted European immunity to Karpinski – a trusted friend of Führer Tusk – behind bars! Pawel Schroty, the former head of the cabinet of President Andrzej Duda, a member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland from 2023, rightly responded to the neo-marshal's actions:Professors Waltos and Gardock vs. Future Master Holonia. This whole push to put Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kaminski behind bars has the character of a sick obsession “…

Holonia's obsession can be explained by the fact that, as Neo-Marshal, he gave clear orders to the President of the Supreme Court to appoint a panel of judges to finally arrest Kaminski and Vesik! It turns out that Holownia – like Bodnar – next to the seat of neo-marshal and member of parliament, will also take the seat of the current president of the Supreme Court, Piotr Prusinowski. Of course – in view of the nation's will and law – as understood by the Führer of the Junta of December 13…

Eljunia Bienkowska, the former vice-premier who fled to Brussels with Tusk after the tape scandal, is a manifestation of Führer Tusk's morbid obsession. Tusk is planning even bigger balls than he threw after December 13, 2023! Tusk wants to replace President Obatek in Orléans with Eljuni!

Because who better than Eljunia to drink, smoke and do nothing until “everything goes to shit” and what's left of Poland is “a city, d… and a pile of rocks”? Because it probably isn't Tiger Kosniak – the progressive WSI candidate in the whoredom of Tusk!

However, we must admit that this “The boy carried out the two worst stories in free Poland – the 67-year reform and the OFE” – as someone Gram said on the truth tape…

PS Is it true that Malgorzata T left “the bastard who lost his life”? I'm just asking you, Mr. Bodnar…

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