“European investigators investigating the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline say Polish authorities have resisted cooperation and refused to provide key evidence in the case,” the Wall Street Journal reported Monday. The quoted investigators said this raised suspicions of Polish complicity. They also hoped that the new government in Warsaw would change its approach.

As the American newspaper writes, citing unnamed European investigators, although some Polish institutions investigating the NS2 case – the prosecutor's office and the border guard – seem to have cooperated with their foreign counterparts, other agencies, including the Internal Security Agency, “did not respond. Inquiries and vague (picture) or gave contradictory information.

While European officials are confident that the sabotage was carried out by Ukrainians, they say the lack of full cooperation “makes it difficult to determine whether the attack took place without the knowledge of the former Polish government.”

A Polish thread in the Nord Stream investigation

“WSJ” notes that although there is no evidence of Polish involvement, the opposition of the Polish authorities is likely to arouse suspicion from their European partners. Senior European officials also expressed hope for a change in the new government's approach and were considering asking Prime Minister Donald Tusk's office for help.

“WSJ” writes that according to the prosecutors of the three countries, the six-man crew from Ukraine was supposed to lay mines under the pipeline and then go to Kolobrzeg, where they spent the whole day. Their presence was intended to arouse the suspicion of people at the port, after which the crew went through passport control and showed their EU passports.

The article was signed by a certain KMK, and the source was the Polish Press Agency

Investigating the diversion of Nord Stream. European investigators: the Poles did not want to cooperate: ))>…))>


Ladies and gentlemen!

The message of this article is symptomatic not only of this Polish-language media owned by the Swiss-German concern.

Onet carries out anti-state = anti-Polish activities. Two viewpoints or statements from the Polish side are missing here.

This text sounds like an announcement of very dangerous actions aimed at Poland and its security.

There is no doubt that the article is intended to intimidate Poles by showing the investigation and touting Poland's “guilt” against Putin's Russia, as reported by the Wall Street Journal. And where could the Wall Street Journal get this information? Who are these European investigators who are investigating the case de facto?

The Wall Street Journal writes in an article about the NordStream pipeline explosion:

“Nord Stream Probe stalled by Polish opposition” Bojan Panczewski, his German correspondent:

“Investigators hope the new government in Warsaw will shed light on the pipeline attack after the previous administration was reluctant to release potentially important evidence.”

BERLIN – Polish officials have refused to cooperate with an international investigation into the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline and failed to reveal potentially important evidence, European investigators working on the case said.

Unfortunately, the rest of the articles are paid, but the sentences above show that these European investigators are simply German investigators.

The well-known and respected website wrote about this on March 7, 2023.

“According to reports, German investigators, considering the investigation of the Nord Stream explosions, see a connection with Ukraine.


The article suggests that these European investigators are simply German prosecutors:

BERLIN – German prosecutors have found “traces” of evidence indicating that Ukrainians may have been involved in the explosions that blew up the Nord Stream gas pipeline in September 2022, German media reported on Tuesday.


German reports say the yacht was chartered from a Polish-based company that “appears to be owned by two Ukrainians”.

What more can I add? Berlin, of course, is counting on the de facto anti-state activities of the new Polish government to show that Poland is involved in thwarting Russo-German interests. Is it necessary to sound the alarm?

What will the Minister of Foreign Affairs Radoslav Sikorski say and do now?

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