Real winter will come in Poland. Forecasters from the IMWM are warning of heavy snow, blizzards and blizzards, frost and strong winds.

A blizzard will move in on Monday

Institute of Meteorology and Water Supply It reports that Monday will be cloudy with heavy snow – locally only cloudy in the center of the country. In the north, the snow cover will increase by 15-20 cm. Minimum temperature in most parts of Poland It will be -2 to 0 degrees Celsius.

It will be colder only in the southeast and in the foothills in Podale from -3 degrees to -8 degrees. Maximum temperature from -1 to 2 degrees. In the south it is about -3 degrees. Moderate wind, sometimes quite strong, from the west up to 65 km/h. The wind will reach the coast 40 km/h to 55 km/h, gusts up to 90 km/h.

“On Monday, the cloudy weather will remain, although we hope for more sunny flashes in the south,” forecasters said.

From Monday to Tuesday, the temperature varies from –9 degrees Celsius in the north and -4 degrees in the west. Heavy cloudiness and light snow are also expected across the country. The wind will be quite strong up to 60-70 km/h, and on the coast up to 90 km/h.

Even plus 10 degrees Celsius

Although present temperature Higher than it was just a week ago, the biggest warming is expected only in the third decade of January. Temperatures are then expected to rise across Poland 0 degrees, and in some places it will reach almost 10 degrees.

However, the warming will not stay here for long. Many models indicate that a new system will be established in Europe in February. The region of Iceland and Scandinavia, usually dominated by plains in winter, includes extensive highlands. In addition, rain cyclones will move Mediterranean basin and the Balkans.

Forecasters say that February will be an unusually cold winter in Scandinavia. The temperature there will be below normal. At least 2-3 degrees. However, in most parts of Europe, including Poland, thermometers show values ​​close to the average. This may mean that here and there the cold from the north – thanks to a specific arrangement of low and high pressure – flows south.

In this case again in Poland We will get very cold. Double digit frosts are still possible on the coldest days.

On the other hand, adjacent to the plains, especially in southern Europe, there is a risk of approaching humid Mediterranean seas. Such low pressure causes frequent and intense precipitation, mainly in the east, south and center of Poland. Low temperatures also mean snow is expected.

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