Russia. Record frosts in St. Petersburg

An orange alert remains in St. Petersburg, indicating very low temperatures. It hasn't been this bad for almost 70 years. January's severe frosts sent five people to the hospital, and some homes are without power.

The record was broken on Thursday morning in St. Petersburg – The city has not been this cold since 1950. The lowest temperature recorded there in 74 years was -25.1 degrees.

Weather record in St. Petersburg. It has not been like this for 70 years

“From 8.00 to 9.00 hours The air temperature in the city center dropped to -25.3 degrees” – reported the local forecaster Alexander Kolesov on the social network, quoted by the portal Fontanka. The average daily air temperature was. -22.2 degrees.

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As a result of unusual frosts Hundreds of houses near St. Petersburg were left without electricity. Local residents are also affected. “They brought us on the first four days of the new year Two women and three men with ice cream– reports the local research institute of emergency medicine.

In November and December, a total of 20 people were taken to the hospital due to frostbite.

St. Petersburg: The orange alert remains

However, the frosts intensified in January. It was announced on the first day of the year “Orange” alarm status In the city – means low temperature – It was extended until January 5. However, the situation is expected to improve on Friday evening – the temperature is expected to drop to -15 degrees and light snow.

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Very low temperatures are currently recorded in many European countries. Weather station Kwikjok-Arenjarka Northern Sweden experienced its coldest night in 25 years on TuesdayThe temperature will drop to -43.6 degrees. Also in Poland, in the coming days, thermometers may show about -15 degrees.

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