European Parliament elections It will be held at the beginning of June. A post-election summit of the European Council is planned for June 17. A traditional summit will be held on June 27-28, which will end the Belgian presidency in the European Union.

If EU leaders do not choose a successor, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will become interim president of the European Council from mid-July as Hungary leads the EU in the second half of this year. .

– This rule can be changed by a simple majority. If the political will is there, there are many possibilities to avoid Viktor Orbán's presidency of the Council, the head of the European Council, Charles Michel, explained to correspondents in Brussels.

Will Orbán lead the work of the European Council?

Charles Michel is going to participate in the June elections of the European Parliament. After winning the mandate of the European Parliament, he will be sworn in in mid-July. Therefore, he will have to resign from the position of the President of the European Council, which he was supposed to hold until the end of November this year. This is the first time that the current President of the European Council will be a candidate for the European Parliament elections.

Polish Radio Correspondent in Brussels, Beata Plomecka, asked Charles Michel if he is not afraid of “chaos” and “problems” in the Council of Europe. – There is plenty of time to choose my replacement. I am not watching anyone, we have a few months, replied the Belgian politician.

“Michel's decision puts pressure on European leaders, who will have to quickly agree on his successor. If they do not do this, the position of the head of the European Council will be temporarily entrusted to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, as Hungary will hold the presidency of the European Council from July to December, writes the website Politico.

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