On Thursday (11/01), Law and Justice announced a picket “March of Free Poles” that will start at the 16 Seim. Oskar Safarovic, a young political figure associated with PiS, confirmed his presence. On his X account, he shared some great tips on how to prepare for the event.

PiS has been marching for many days. As we wrote, pParty politicians are mobilizing all their forces and talking about tens of thousands.

The mobilization is gigantic. There have never been so many people who want to go on any of the trips we organize. When we went to the president's funeral, it was not like that. I think the emotions of our voters are much bigger than I think, he told us a few days ago Markin KosiorekStarosta of Lovichi.

“We currently have applicants 9 assembly, including two 50 thousand participants– spokeswoman of the Warsaw City Hall Monika Beut told Gazeta.pl.

Buses with PiS supporters from other cities also go to Warsaw. He had to leave Greater Poland 20 coaches. Similarly from Gdansk. Elzbieta Vitek informed on X that 53 buses left from Lower Silesia.

He also confirmed his presence Oskar SafarovichThe star of the PiS youth wing. On his X profile, he wrote that he was spotted 13 in the center of Warsaw.Many people with flags.

Safarovic also decided to share some good tips on how to prepare for the upcoming event.

According to a young PiS supporter, it is worth:

  • eat a solid dinner
  • drink hot tea
  • rest for a while in a warm place,
  • About 15 go to the vicinity of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland

Safarovich also applied to participate in the picket “Calmly, with a positive attitude and with great attention, let's not succumb to provocations”.

It is worth noting that barriers – one of the symbols of the previous government – appeared again in the building of the Polish Sejm. He used to brag about removing them Shimon Holavnia.

“The police barriers that distort the Seimas will disappear, because a sufficient number of these barriers are placed between us” – did Marshal Holovnia change his mind? No longer open to meet everyone?– Dariusz Piontkowski, a PiS MP, pointed out this situation at the X Platform in Hołownia.

He did not have to wait long for an answer from the Speaker of the Seimas.

The primary objective is the safety of demonstrators and officers during the rally. Security will be installed at the request of the police and will be dismantled after the rally. The Sejm is and will be open and safe for citizens. Someone likes it or not,” answered Katajina Karpa-Šviderek to the politician.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/473417,kim-jest-oskar-szafarowicz-z-mlodziezowki-pis-studenci-prawa-opowiedzja

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