Another storm broke out on the Polish political scene. This time it's a conversation The case of Kaminski and Vesik, convicted of the so-called land scandal. On Thursday, the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court annulled the decision of the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holovnia, regarding the expiration of the mandate of the deputy Maciej Vasik.

Both political camps are arguing, among other things: whether Vasik and Kaminski's parliamentary mandate has expired and whether the president pardoned the former head of the CBA and his deputy Does it have legal force?.

Corwin-Mike: There is still confusion

Janusz Corwin-Mike commented on all the confusion on his social media. The former Confederate lawmaker reiterated what he had already said on his YouTube channel, namely that the law does not limit the president's pardon power and he can use it even if there is no final verdict. The point is that their president He pardoned, not justified, which he obviously failed to do, explains the politician. He added that the court's decision is valid, which means that Vesik and Kaminski cannot hold parliamentary mandates.

“People! The Constitution doesn't say that the president has the power to pardon a crime committed on Sunday. But he has the power to pardon, without any restrictions, so he can. It also doesn't say that he can pardon a crime. Not convicted by final sentence, but he can “, – writes Corwin-Mike X on the website.

According to him, the strangest counterargument is the assertion that the president “could have made an agreement with someone to kill someone – and then he would pardon him”, we read.

“It's a sick imagination – but even if he did, he could have entered into the same agreement, waited for the judgment – and pardoned in the same way! And he could arrange the release of each criminal for PLN 1,000. He could. We have such demoralized people that they think that the president is as bad as they are He is a son,” writes Corwin-Mike.

“These are the results of d***ocracy and secularization. Before people believed in hell, there was no such thing…” he added.


The case of Kaminski and Vesik

In March 2015, the court of first instance sentenced Kaminski and Vesik to 3 years in prison. for overstepping his authority and illegal operational activities of the CBA as part of the land scandal in 2007. Kaminsky then opined that the verdict “contradicts the basic sense of justice, is strange, grossly unfair and incomprehensible.”

I feel completely innocentwhich acted in the name of public interests, the interests of the Polish state – still maintains today.

In 2015, President Andrzej Duda pardoned Kaminski and Vesik, who were convicted at the time.

More than eight years later, the case is back in court following the Supreme Court's June ruling. Following cassation appeals filed by assistant prosecutors, the Supreme Court in the Criminal Chamber overturned in March 2016 the dismissal of the former CBA leaders' case in response to the amnesty law used by President Duda by the Warsaw District Court. Re-examination case.

Also read:
Holovnia: Messrs. Vesik and Kaminski are criminals
Also read:
A storm on the mandates of Vasik and Kaminsky. Giertich reacts

(tags translated)kamiński i wąsik

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