Jan Pietrzak referred to his statement on TV Republika where he suggested that immigrants could be housed in “Auschwitz barracks”. After his words, the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, has already announced decisive steps, the statement was released by the Auschwitz Museum, and the chief of staff of Andrzej Duda commented on this issue. What does the satirist say? He blames… Germany.

The echo does not stop “Cruel Joke”which Jan Pietrzak On the air of “Republica TV”. – I have a cruel joke with these immigrants. that they (Germany – ed.) hope for it Poles are madebecause we have barracks We have barracks for immigrants in Auschwitz, Majdanek, TreblinkaIn Shtutovo, here we have many barracks built by the Germans – said the famous satirist.

Jan Pietrzak caused a scandal with his statement. That's how it's explained

We don't know who is laughing after this “joke”, but the recording of the program with the participation of Pietrzak on YouTube was deleted from the account of the TV company “Republika”.

He also took decisive steps Minister of Justice. “I asked the national prosecutor, Dariusz Barski, to review Jan Pietrzak's statement on TV Republika and start an investigation.” Presented on the X platform Adam Bodnar.

Pietrzak himself commented on his statement. In an interview with the portal Gazeta.pl He emphasized that he was not in favor of placing immigrants in former concentration camps. However, he added that: He only wanted to… criticize the policy pursued by Germany.

– I didn't say that, they were the organizers (Germany – ed.). They said that they (immigrants – ed.) would be sent to Polish camps because they did not know where to keep them. I read somewhere that there are plans to create camps for migrants to be sent to Poland. Such was my attitude towards this information, says Satir.

He also added that he “doesn't understand this storm” and his statement was sharp because “Germany does sharp things”.

– It is a crime to send emigrants who go with them to other countries, without the consent of these emigrants and with the will of Germany. There is no provision in the treaties that people can be resettled regardless of where they want to live. These immigrants are going to Germany, not Poland, and they want to resettle them. This is Germany's crime, I noticed that Germany has this habit, he said.

“Moral corruption” and commentary from the presidential palace

The presidential palace also responded to Pietrzak's words. Marcin Mastalerek reported that Andrzej Duda He evaluated the satire's words negatively – the president did not like these words. He was angry with them – said the head of Duda's cabinet on the air of the “Republic” TV company.

In his opinion, the satire's words were “absolutely stupid”. Mastalerek also criticized Adam Bodnar's reaction. – If the Minister of Justice refers to the statement of satire, I wonder if he is talking about the words of the publicist and the satirist, or about the giant success of the republic on television – he said.

And added: – Telewizja Republika is on the side of freedom of speech, and Minister Bodnar is not on the side of freedom of speech. The fact that I was invited here and asked about this issue speaks volumes for freedom of speech and discussion.

As we will say on naTemat.pl, after Pietrzak's scandalous statement, TV Republika also issued a statement. Auschwitz Museum. “The tragedy of Auschwitz shows what causes hateful ideas and contempt of another person”, we read.

As emphasized, “Instrumentalization of people's destinyThose who died in German camps, the vile anti-immigrant rhetoric, it is shameful and appalling. Manifestation of moral and intellectual corruption“.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/534002,skandaliczne-slowa-pietrzaka-o-barakach-w-auschwitz-muzeum-powiedze

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