law and justice We invite you to the protest rally Thursday in Warsaw.

– Let's meet on January 11 at 16:00 in front of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Let's protest the introduction of censorship by Donald Tusk together. Let us express our loud opposition to the deprivation of access to important information for Poles, said Mariusz Blaszczak, head of the PiS parliamentary club.

Bochenek: We expect at least several tens of thousands of people

– Despite unfavorable weather and severe frosts, mobilization for the “Protest of Free Poles” is very high. The public's indignation at what Donald Tusk, Szymon Holonia and their team are doing is gigantic – said Rafal Bočenek, Law and Justice spokesman, in an interview with

– People do not agree with the illegality and the great aggression with which the new government wants to introduce its illegal changes. We expect at least several tens of thousands of people from all over Poland to attend the protest. However, it is difficult to estimate precisely because many people go to Warsaw on their own. Tusk and Holovnia know about this, which is why they cowardly postponed the session of the Seimas and run away from the voice of the public – said the representative of PiS.

Changing the date of the session of the Seimas. Holavnia: There is one reason

We remind you that on Tuesday Marshal Shimon Holonia announced that the Presidium of the Seimas unanimously decided that the planned Two sessions of the Seimas will be postponed for next week.

– There is one reason. My task is, first of all, to take care of the seriousness and social peace of the Sejm, because it is absolutely, fundamentally the most important value for us today – argued Marshal Holovnia in the case of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.

Also read:
The PiS protest in front of the Seimas should be just the beginning. “Kaczynski hopes for a nuclear option”
Also read:
Kaczynski: Marshal Holonia cannot be calm. He is breaking the law

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