Donald Tusk called PiS politicians “occupiers of Poland” in a social network post. The Prime Minister claims that the “occupation of state offices by PiS” will end soon.


“As the occupation of PiS in Poland ended, so will the occupation of the state offices of PiS. Only the reputation of the occupiers will remain with them for a long time,” the head of government wrote.

PiS is sweeping

Before coming to power, the politicians of the “Civil Coalition” announced that in case of victory in the elections, they would demand responsibility from the government of “United Rightists”. In addition to the announced investigative commissions, the new management should conduct audits in all ministries. Cesari Tomczyk recently announced that one such process has just started at the Ministry of National Defense.

However, this is only part of the wider purges carried out by Donald Tusk's government. Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Wednesday Heads of three state institutions were dismissed: Konrad Vnek from the post of director of the War Loss Institute. Jan Karski, Andrzej Przylbski as Director of De Republica Institute, Michal Kot as Director of Generation Institute.

On Thursday, Tusk decided to dismiss Beata Daszczynska-Muzicka as president of the BGK management board. Also on Wednesday, Donald Tusk, at the request of the Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy, dismissed the president of ZUS, Prof. Gertrude Uchinska.

Morawiecki: He pulls your hair

On the other hand, the former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki states that the PO is not cleaning the state from evildoers, but is carrying out “political cleansing”.

– It makes my hair stand out when political thugs expel people from different institutions from PO without considering their competence and experience. There should have been competitions, there should have been clear selection criteria, there is only revenge. And the intention is nothing more than the sale of national assets – which Tusk has de facto admitted. Now we also know why he was afraid of a referendum that would cut him off from that opportunity, Mateusz Morawiecki said.

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Does the government not know who it is releasing? Confusion after Tomczyk's entry
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