Mobilization continues because ambitions are high. After the success of the pre-election march organized by the civil coalition, today's opposition dreams of mobilizing supporters with a big event. will it work

Today, January 11, PiS is preparing a march of free Poles. The action will start in front of the Parliament building at 16:00, thank you The decision of Shimon Holunia The session of the Seimas scheduled for this day will not be held.

Initially, the march was supposed to be mainly a protest PiS environment against changes in public mediaBut after the arrests of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik on Tuesday evening, the topic is sure to heat up the demonstrators as well.

Duda wants us to admit that Kaminski and Vesic look like Andrzej Pozobut.

Mobilization continues because ambitions are high. After success Pre-election march Organized by the Civic Coalition, then the opposition, today's opposition dreams of mobilizing its supporters with a big event. will it work

How many people make up the crowd?

There are no signs that the January 11 march could draw hundreds of thousands of people to Warsaw. However, the question posed above is not whether PiS will be able to replicate the success of Tusk's march activity, but whether the party will be able to mobilize supporters. This is a big difference, because PiS does not need a million “free Poles” to mobilize. One hundred thousand is enough.

The march will definitely be covered by the media. Free media shows what happened. But after losing TVP, PiS can rely on pro-PiS media such as: Republic TV. Recently, people who used to work in TVP have been coming there. These are the people who created a team where they made a demonstration of several hundred thousand people look like a demonstration of several hundred people. Now the pro-PiS media teams are facing the opposite challenge – to make a few dozen, maybe a hundred thousand people look like a million.

An efficient operator and a good editor can turn even a modest demonstration into a major protest. And that's what PiS needs – images. Photos of the protest will be spread on social networks and will become advertising material of the old government.

When is the demo successful?

President Jaroslaw Kaczynski claimed a few days ago that it would be a “demonstration to protect freedom of speech, media freedom and democracy. Because today we have a big problem of democracy”. Kaczynski utters lofty phrases about freedom and democracy without batting an eye, because what does he have to say? That you are invited to march in defense of TVP millionaires who have lost their gainful employment?

In his speech on Wednesday, Andrzej Duda mentioned the changes in public media, but devoted most of his speech to Vasik and Kaminski. Duda, like Kaczynski, tells not how it is, but how to talk about it in pro-PiS circles and in their supportive media.

The president lied when he suggested in Wednesday's speech that Vasik and Kaminsky were fighting corruption. On the contrary, the masters did not fight the corruption that existed, but tried to create corruption. They were accused of abuse of authority and falsification of documents.

Should Kaminski and Vesik sit?

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President Duda also lied when he said that in 2015 he decided to “exonerate” Kaminski and Vesic. The president does not have the power to acquit a criminal, but he can pardon a convicted person. Duda either has no idea about this or is lying to us all.

Duda said he was “deeply shocked” and had no doubt that Messrs Vesik and Kaminski were crystal clear. PiS clearly tells a story not only of “attacking media freedom” but also of building the myth of “political prisoners”. And in general: in the opposition of Tusk and his government.

Radio Zet, reporting on the march without emotion or judgement, clearly shows in the first sentence, writing: “The Free Poles protest is a demonstration organized by the Law and Justice Society against the rule of the Democratic Coalition.”

PiS message requester

Thursday's march organized by PiS should be the basis for building and strengthening new political myths. The days before the march are used to encourage and mobilize them.

During this mobilization, we also clearly understand how a part of PiS society interprets the message of the march.

“Gloss Wielkopolski” Bartlomiej Wroblewski, a PiS MP from Poznań, is quoted as saying that “there is a lot of interest in going and expressing opposition to what Donald Tusk's government is doing.” So it's about Tusk. The MP adds: “I don't remember a situation after 2011 when so many people wanted to go to a rally in Warsaw. People who have been in politics for a long time say that such a situation has never happened before.

Onet It reports that Andrzej May, Krasnik district councilor and head of the PSL advisory club, says that “I received information from the employees of the Krasnik district office and its subordinate units that their superiors, who are connected to PiS, should issue official orders regarding them. Departure to Warsaw for the march on January 11. People don't want to go, but they are forced to. There is terrible pressure in the office. I was asked to intervene.”

Andrzej Duda called for calm on Wednesday, while reminding that “gathering is allowed in Poland” and taking part in demonstrations. I did not expect peace after calling for peace. PiS needs to stir up emotions, it needs new myths as political fuel. If necessity is indeed the mother of invention, PiS invents new political narratives and creates new political heroes.

(tags translated) Andrzej Duda

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