On Friday, Adam Bodnar became acting national prosecutor became Jacek Bilevich. President Andrzej Duda claims that Justice Minister Adam Bodnar's actions regarding changes to the post of national prosecutor are illegal, as according to the act, this is the competence of the prime minister and the prosecutor general, in cooperation. President. Meanwhile, Bodnar made the decision independently, ignoring the requirements of the act.

“Are you a minister or a bandit?”

However, Bodnar's actions have been widely criticized by opposition politicians, lawyers and some prosecutors.

Bodnar claims that Art. Sections 1 and 2 of Act 47 of 2016 – the provisions introduced by the Public Prosecutions Act were only in force from 4 March to 4 May 2016. And it was on their basis that Dariusz Barski returned to work, and on the basis of this, Jacek Bilevich will replace Barski (as follows – the function is not provided by law). However, the mentioned article was not distributed only temporarily.

And this is an aspect that has been taken up by PiS MP Katzper Plaziński. “Is there any provision that Article 47 of the Law introducing the Law on Prosecution is only temporarily created or repealed?” Because I'm looking for it and I really can't find it. If there is no such provision, then Adam Bodnar threw another act into the trash. Anyone?” – wrote the politician.


“I am shocked. I understand that some laws limit your power and you want to get rid of them, but they are legally made. They went through the entire legislative process. First the National Media Law and now this? Are you the Minister of Justice or a bandit?” – adds the deputy.

Deputies criticize Bodnar

On Saturday, the Deputy Prosecutors General issued a statement criticizing Adam Bodnar for appointing prosecutor Jacek Bilewicz to the “non-existent position of Acting National Prosecutor”.

According to them, the Minister of Justice and Prime Minister Donald Tusk They act completely illegally.

Also read:
Another prosecutor attacks Bodnar. “I don't see any legal basis”
Also read:
After Bodnar's decision, there is a statement from the National Prosecutor's Office

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