This continues on the Polish political scene Another huge row between PO and PiS. On Tuesday evening, the police entered the presidential palace, where the former head of internal affairs and administration and former head of the CBA, Mariusz Kaminski, and his former deputy, Maciej Vesic, were present. According to the court's decision, both persons were arrested. PiS politicians were first taken to the police station at ul. Grenadiers, and then in the Grokhov pre-trial detention center.

Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik do not recognize either the court verdict or the consequences of the conviction, that is, the expiration of their parliamentary mandate.

Zdrojewski: Kaminski and Vesik were legally convicted

On Wednesday, Bogdan Zdrojevski, deputy of the Civic Platform, was asked on Radio Plus.

– Most importantly, the law works. that the lawfully convicted were, in short, arrested and detained. Without a doubt, there is no lawyer who claims that this judgment of the district court is wrong or ineffective, or that the previous acquittal, the act of mercy was actually, not acquittal, no, it was not – said Bogdan Zdrojewski in a conversation with Jacek Prusinowski.

Currently, there is a heated debate between PiS and PO circles as to whether the presidential pardon of Kaminski and Vesic in 2015 was legally effective or not. According to the representatives of PiS, the pardon took place in accordance with the law. According to the ruling coalition, this did not happen.

KRS. The ruling does not question the existence of liquidators

Later in the conversation, the journalist asked the politician to comment on the decision announced on Wednesday by the National Council of the Judiciary on the entry of new members of the TVP Supervisory Board appointed by Minister Sienkevic. The application was rejected.

– You must remember what justification is. The justification is that it is written that the PiS state has made a lot of mistakes regarding the competences in the field of public media, and this result is now coming to the current government, and it must be sorted out,” said Zdrojewski.

– There are some sentences in there that show what a mess we're working in, no doubt about it. However, this ruling does not call into question the existing situation, that is, the existence of liquidators. Moreover, the first liquidators, for example, in Katowice, were registered, that is, records were made – he continued.

TVP. Liquidation status

At the end of December, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz announced the liquidation of 17 companies managing Polish Television, Polish Radio, the Polish Press Agency and regional public radio stations. He claimed it Presidential veto Andrzej Duda to the budget-related act, which provides for the possibility of transferring up to PLN 3 billion to state-owned media companies.

The minister emphasized that their liquidation “will provide a means to ensure the continuous operation of these companies, the necessary restructuring and to prevent the dismissal of employees employed in the aforementioned companies due to lack of financing.” Liquidation can be canceled by the owner at any time.

Also read:
Court decision regarding TVP authorities. An avalanche of comments
Also read:
Deadlock in the Supreme Court. The Chamber of Labor made a decision on Kaminsky's case

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