Recently, Katzina Lubnauer announced that the number of religious lessons in schools will be halved, that is, to one hour a week. Archbishop Marek Jedraszewski spoke about these plans and noted what spiritual results await the students in connection with the ministry's plans. As he added, Poland is a country that “belongs to God”.

– Plans are being made to reduce religious classes at school and place them at the beginning or end of the day. There are attempts to extinguish the light of Christ in the hearts and minds of young people, Archbishop Jedraszewski said during a Mass in Krakow on Saturday. He commented on the statement of the leadership of the Ministry of Education, which: number of hours lesson religion in schools is going to limit one a week.

The plans of the Ministry of Education in comparison with the times of the Polish People's Republic

The priest was contacted Donald Tusk's government plans On January 6, together with the said epiphany. As he said, the wise men who visited the newborn Jesus showed their gratitude and respect by bringing him gifts.

He also noted that “taking this into account, questions should be asked why the plans of the Ministry of Education are being formed out loud. Reduce religious classes in school“Quite justified. He also asked rhetorically why lessons should be placed at the beginning or end of lessons, 'as if they were worse than other lessons.'

Metropolitan of Krakow also spoke about the period of the Polish People's Republic. According to him, the Ministry's current plans for changes in religion classes are identical to the activities known several decades ago.

As he added, “today there are the same attempts to extinguish the light of Christ in the hearts and minds of young people, to bring young people into the land of darkness and darkness, to deprive them of the opportunity to understand. What is the meaning of our humanity and what we strive for”.

“Poland belongs to God”, or again Jedraszewski on politics

Among the reverend's statements, Jedraszewski also uttered a sentence that clearly indicates that the secular state plan cannot be implemented.

– Today, in this wonderful society of families, parents, children and young people, we can give only one answer: Poland belongs to GodWho is constantly appearing to us in His love. Poland is God's property, said the hierarch.

Archbishop Jedraszewski was criticized by clerics

The figure of the Metropolitan of Krakow causes a lot of controversy. He is known for making regular references to politics in his messages to the faithful.

– It seems that it happened that Archbishop Jedraszewski became the face of certain phenomena in the Church by his actions. He made the comment in an interview with Jakub Noch in the #TYLKONATEMAT series A figure of a priest, priest Kazimierz Sowa.

Also read:,ks-kazimierz-sowa-o-wyborach-kosciele-i-abp-jedraszewskim

As he added, he is a figure who has many supporters. – Moreover, we must also admit that we have a large group of believers in the church who strongly support the archbishop's views. Jedraszewski and the recognition of the church as an institution that is not subject to criticism.

Therefore, when I hear people complaining, “How come we are protesting here and the Pope did nothing,” I always ask: What kind of us, or who? I admire and support, for example, the work of the Catholic Women's Congress, but I also see how often these people are lonely in the Polish Church.F. Kazimierz Sowa#TYLKOontopic

We remind you that the plans of the new government of Donald Tusk, among other things, include the liquidation of the church fund. Spending on it increased intensively during the rule of his predecessors, i.e. law and justice. In 2015, they amounted to 128 million PLN, in 2022 – 200 million PLN, and in 2023 – 216 million PLN.

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